Programs implemented by the holding

  • Concept of development of agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2030 years

  • Single comprehensive program

  • 2023-2029 Residential and Communal Infrastructure Development Concepts, approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 736 dated September 23, 2022

  • Concept of Development of the Manufacturing Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2029

  • Comprehensive Privatization Plan for 2021–2025

  • «Business Roadmap 2025» State Program for Entrepreneurs Support

  • The state program of industrial and innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020 - 2025 (hereinafter - SPIID)

of events


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what you are looking for?

  • Официальный сайт Президента Республики Казахстан
  • Парламент Республики Казахстан
  • Официальный информационный ресурс Премьер-Министра Республики Казахстан
  • Официальный интернет-ресурс Министерства национальной экономики РК
  • Министерство промышленности и строительства Республики Казахстан
  • Electronic resources aimed at expanding the scope of the Kazakh language