Sponsorship and Charity Activities

The Management Board of Baiterek Holding approved charity programs for 2020 and 2021, which provide charitable and sponsorship support while ensuring transparency in planning and effective management of funds within the approved annual budget and development plans.

In 2020-2021, the Holding helped purchase special equipment for a preschool organization catering to children with speech and musculoskeletal challenges, as well as those with special educational requirements and those from underprivileged or single-parent households. The Holding also raised money for the purchase of New Year's gifts for children with disabilities and special physical needs. Additionally, Baiterek Holding contributed to the recovery efforts following emergencies in the Zhambyl region, aiding in the restoration of damaged property, and in the Maktaral district of the Turkistan region, assisting in rebuilding residential structures affected by flooding.

In 2022, Baiterek Holding earmarked 150,000,000 tenge for the Kazakhstan Fund for Economic Initiatives. This allocation includes 35,000,000 tenge designated for the organization of the Qazaqstan Project Management Awards-2022, 55,000,000 tenge for the development of a Low-Carbon Development Strategy, and 60,000,000 tenge aimed at engaging industry experts to facilitate the implementation of the "new agenda" for entrepreneurship development within the project management framework.

In 2023, Baiterek Holding designated 150,000,000 tenge for hosting the Astana International Forum. This event convened high-level delegates from various international governments, organizations, businesses, and academic institutions to address pressing global issues. The forum attracted over 5,000 delegates from across 50 countries, including heads of state, prominent global politicians, business executives, and notable public figures.

Projects implemented by Baiterek Holding in 2021

During 2021, Baiterek Holding carried out the following charitable initiatives:

·         August 27, 2021: Baiterek Holding took part in the Road to School charity initiative hosted by the Nur Otan party. Employees purchased backpacks filled with school essentials for children from economically disadvantaged families. This annual support to families in need is a consistent effort.

·         November 11, 2021: The Donor Day event was conducted, with 77 employees from the Holding and its subsidiaries contributing blood. The blood donation facility was set up by the Research and Production Center for Transfusiology, resulting in a collective donation of over 30 liters of blood.

·         December 14, 2021: The Baiterek – Open Hearts charity fair was held, with proceeds going towards organizing a New Year’s party for children undergoing long-term treatment at the National Scientific Center for Motherhood and Childhood. Over 1.3 million tenge were raised.

·         December 22, 2021: The Holding organized a party for children undergoing long-term treatment at the National Scientific Center for Motherhood and Childhood and provided coal, food, and medicine to the Nika pet shelter using funds raised from the December 14 charity fair.

Projects implemented by Baiterek Holding in 2022

The Holding and its subsidiaries continued their charitable activities, conducting 11 events and promotions, including:

·         Assistance to victims of fires in the Kostanay region

·         Assistance to the Nika shelter for homeless animals

·         Road to School Charity Campaign

·         Donor Day

·         Charity Fair

·         New Year’s party for children undergoing treatment at the cardiology center

·         New Year’s party for disabled children (Kaspi and Bereke Foundation)

·         Assistance for A.K. Besenova

·         Installation of collection boxes for clothes, shoes, and home textiles in partnership with the Likekomek Foundation

Projects implemented by Baiterek Holding in 2023

In 2023, Baiterek Holding and its subsidiaries organized 12 charity events and promotions, such as:

·         Assistance to victims of fires in the Abay region

·         Assistance to the Nika shelter for homeless animals

·         Road to School Charity Campaign

·         Donor Day

·         Environmental activities

·         Charity Fair

·         New Year’s party for children undergoing treatment at the cardiology center

·         New Year’s party for children with disabilities (Kaspi and Bereke Foundation)

·         Help for low-income families

These initiatives underscore the Holding's commitment to social responsibility and its efforts to support individuals in need and promote community welfare.

Rules for the implementation of charity by the joint-stock company "National Managing Holding "Baiterek"

Report on the implementation of charity by the joint-stock company "National Managing Holding "Baiterek" for 2019

of events


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