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Concept of development of agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2030 years

Concept of development of agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021 - 2030 years

Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 30, 2021 № 960


Concept passport


Concept for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2030 (hereinafter - Concept for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex)

Implementation timeframe

2021 – 2030 years

State developer authority

Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Target indicators

1) increase of labor productivity in agriculture by 3 times compared to 2020;

2) wheat yield in 2030 - 20 c/ha;

3) level of agricultural machinery renewal in 2030 - 7%;

4) level of domestic seed supply in 2030 - up to 80%;

5) application of mineral fertilizers from the scientifically justified norm in 2030 - up to 40%;

6) level of provision with food products (including socially important ones) not less than 90%;

7) self-sufficiency in basic food products of own production in 2030: apples - 100%, sausages - 100%, cheese and cottage cheese - 100%, sugar - 83%, poultry meat - 100%;

8) increase in exports of agro-industrial complex products by 3 times compared to 2020;

9) the share of processed products in the total volume of agro-industrial complex exports in 2030 - 70%;

10) growth of the volume of attracted investments in fixed capital in agriculture by 4.2 times;

11) growth of the volume of attracted investments in fixed capital in food production by 3.4 times;

12) share of non-observed (shadow) economy in agriculture, forestry and fishery - 0.5% of GDP;

13) the area of eroded lands within agricultural lands to the total land area in 2030 - 28.4 mln ha;

14) number of realized investment projects - 1525 by 2030;

15) job creation within the framework of investment projects in the agro-industrial complex - 44 thousand (26.4 thousand permanent and 17.6 thousand temporary) by 2030;

16) job creation within the framework of scaling up experience in increasing the income of the rural population - 350 thousand by 2029;

17) share of implemented completed scientific developments in agro-industrial complex - 40% in 2030;

18) area of lands with application of water-saving technologies (drip irrigation, sprinkling) in 2030 - 750 thousand hectares;

19) the share of breeding stock covered by breed transformation in 2030 - 43%.

Expected results

Creation of necessary infrastructure for agriculture and agricultural producers, including logistics facilities and small-scale production.

Formation of seven large ecosystems for production and processing of meat, fruits, vegetables, sugar, cereals, oilseeds, dairy products.

Efficient utilization of agricultural land with increased tax burden on unused plots. Acceleration of work on diversification of the structure of sown areas, modernization of approaches to land reclamation and soil reclamation.

Introduction of mechanisms to stimulate the development of cooperation of agricultural producers - regional product hubs.


Participation of subsidiaries and affiliates of the Holding Company in the implementation of the Concept


Subsidiaries and affiliates of the Holding participate in the implementation of the Concept of AIC development by providing financial services at the expense of budgetary, own and attracted funds. Implementation of the Concept of AIC development is carried out by specialized sectoral subsidiaries and affiliates of the Holding Company, which were part of the structure of JSC National Management Holding KazAgro, merged with the Holding Company in March 2021. These companies are licensed to conduct certain types of banking operations.

«Agrarian Credit Corporation» JSC (hereinafter - ACC) provides crediting of investment projects, spring field and harvesting works, funds second-tier banks, credit partnerships, microfinance organizations, leasing companies for further financing of the subjects of agro-industrial complex.

Financing is provided at a rate from 1.5% per annum (at the expense of budgetary funds for sowing and harvesting campaigns) to 6% per annum, taking into account subsidized interest rates (at the expense of extra-budgetary funds for the production and processing of agricultural products). The crediting period is up to 12 years depending on the sources of funding.

In December 2021, JSC “Fund for Financial Support of Agriculture” (hereinafter - FFSA) was merged into ACC with the transfer of functions on microcrediting, operator in the field of insurance in the agro-industrial complex.

«KazAgroFinance» JSC (hereinafter - KAF) provides services on leasing of agricultural machinery and special equipment.

As part of the execution of the order of the Head of State, the Holding transferred 100% of CAF shares to ACC on July 25, 2022.

It is possible to purchase agricultural machinery and special equipment in leasing at the interest rate of up to 6% per annum, taking into account subsidies for a period of up to 10 years, depending on the type of equipment purchased. At the same time, the lessee has the opportunity to receive subsidies from the state in the amount of up to 25% of the cost of agricultural machinery, which can also be used to pay the down payment.

Loans issued by the Holding companies have a preferential period of principal repayment depending on the industry specifics of the financed project. The collateral policy is more loyal to clients compared to second-tier banks and allows the acceptance of low-liquidity collateral in rural areas.

For more detailed information on the terms and conditions of financial support programs, please visit the websites of the specified Holding companies or contact the nearest branches of the companies.

Financing of the agro-industrial complex

                                                                  billion tenge

2021 y.

2022 y.

2023 y.

1 half-year 2024 y.

Amount of funding
















Within the framework of the tasks of the Concept of development of the agro-industrial complex in the first half of 2024, ACC and CAF allocated to finance the agricultural sector 407.8 billion tenge, which is 11.8% more than the amount of funding for the same period in 2023. Of these, ACC financed the subjects of the agrarian sector in the amount of 331.1 billion tenge, CAF for 76.7 billion tenge.

From the total amount of financing for the first half of 2024 on small and medium-sized businesses account for 89%. The total number of active borrowers in the loan portfolio of ACC and CAF amounted to about 81 thousand.

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