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UN Sustainable Development Goals and International Initiatives

In September 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted at the 70th session of the UN General Assembly. The agenda includes 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), which replaced Millennium Development Goals.

The newly adopted goals are addressed not only to governments, but also to other participants in the global process of sustainable development: businesses, civil society, and all individuals.

The Holding and its subsidiaries contribute to the achievement of the UN SDGs by Kazakhstan.

When choosing projects to invest in, the Holding prefers projects that comply with the SDGs and have a significant impact on the sustainable socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In particular, projects should contribute to the following:

  • inclusive and sustainable industrialization;
  • openness, safety, livability, and environmental sustainability of cities and towns;
  • diversification of the economy of Kazakhstan and individual regions or cities.

The Holding's contribution to the achievement of the UN SDGs.

Holding's contribution to the UN SDGs in 2023 (document)


     On 16 April 2024, Baiterek National Management Holding joined the United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact), the largest international initiative to engage business in sustainable development globally. This confirms Baiterek's commitment to the ten universal principles of the Global Compact, including respect for human rights, support for the best labour standards, pursuit of environmental sustainability and active opposition to corruption.

   1. In the area of human rights protection:

  • The Holding ensures and respects the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights;

  • Holding ensures non-involvement in human rights violations.

2. In the area of labor relations:

  • Holding supports and recognizes the right to collective bargaining;

  • Holding promotes the elimination of forced and child labor, discrimination in labor and employment.

3. In the field of environmental protection:

  • Holding supports a precautionary approach to environmental issues;

  • The Holding undertakes initiatives aimed at increasing responsibility for the environment;

  • Holding promotes the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies.

4. In the area of anti-corruption:

  • The Holding Company declares zero tolerance for all forms of corruption and other illegal actions, including extortion and bribery

     The UN Global Compact brings together more than 20,000 companies and organisations from 160 countries and fosters a strong international partnership between business and the public sector. Participation in this initiative gives Baiterek the opportunity to share experiences and learn from world leaders in sustainable development.


Also on April 29, 2024, the Holding Company joined the ranks of signatories to the “One Belt, One Road” Green Investment Principles (GIP). The GIP is a set of principles for greening Belt and Road investments. It includes seven principles at three levels: strategy, operations and innovation. 
Principle 1: Embed sustainability into corporate governance;
Principle 2: Understanding environmental, social and governance risks;
Principle 3: Disclosure of environmental information;
Principle 4: Improve communication with stakeholders;
Principle 5: Use of green financial instruments;
Principle 6: Implement green supply chain management;
Principle 7: Build capacity through collective action.

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