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Concept of Development of the Manufacturing Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2029

General information. The Concept of Development of the Manufacturing Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2029 (hereinafter referred to as the Concept) is developed with the aim of achieving the goals set by the National Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025. To solve the task of creating specialized factors and market conditions in the industrial sectors, the expansion of the toolkit of measures for state support of manufacturers in the manufacturing industry is envisaged, including package solutions within the framework of the agreement to enhance competitiveness.

The practical implementation of the task of expanding opportunities for the growth and development of small and medium-sized businesses (hereinafter referred to as SMEs) will be carried out through measures aimed at improving access to business financing through the expansion and increased targeting of programs and measures of state stimulation.

Principles and approaches. The Concept will be implemented within the framework of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Industrial Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan," taking into account the obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan within international economic organizations.

The concept of the manufacturing industry will maintain continuity and be based on the following principles:

  1. Focus on the production of processed products with high added value;
  2. Integration of industrial-innovative and territorial development;
  3. Orientation towards external markets, taking into account domestic opportunities;
  4. Balance of strategic interests of the state, society, and business;
  5. Effectiveness and targeting of incentive measures.

The policy of industrial-innovative development will be balanced between direct and systemic support, taking into account the obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan within international economic organizations.

Joint-Stock Company "National Welfare Fund "Samruk-Kazyna". One of the instruments for shaping and implementing industrial policy is project financing and leasing financing. The following support measures for enterprises within the framework of the Concept are presented provided that the necessary amount of funds is obtained, taking into account international obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1. Long-term financing for projects in the manufacturing industry is provided by JSC "Development Bank of Kazakhstan":

- at a rate not exceeding 9% for the ultimate borrower, when budget funds are mixed with attracted funds in a ratio of 70/30, with the company's own participation not less than 20% of the project amount. Budget funds are allocated through budget lending by JSC "Development Bank of Kazakhstan" through JSC "Samruk-Kazyna" for a period of 20 years;

- at a rate not exceeding 11% for the ultimate borrower, when budget funds are mixed with attracted funds in a ratio of 60/40 for financing projects in the manufacturing industry, including the creation and modernization of infrastructure facilities. Financing of large investment projects with a value of over 7 billion tenge (over 3 billion tenge in the food and light industry sector) is provided for a period of up to 20 years, and financing of projects within the Program for the Development of Intraplanetary Value and Export-Oriented Production is provided for a period of 7-10 years. Budget funds are allocated through budget lending by JSC "Development Bank of Kazakhstan" through JSC "Samruk-Kazyna" for a period of 20 years.

2. Export financing for domestic producers.
- at a rate not exceeding 6% for ultimate borrowers through the mixing of budget funds with commercial funds in a ratio of 70/30 for a period of 20 years.

3. Financing of working capital for enterprises in the manufacturing industry.

- at a rate not exceeding 7% for the ultimate borrower through the mixing of budget funds with attracted funds in a ratio of 80/20 to ensure the competitiveness and sustainability of the national economy. Budget funds are allocated through an increase in the authorized capital of JSC "Development Bank of Kazakhstan" through JSC "Samruk-Kazyna".

4. Financing of projects in the manufacturing industry through JSC "Industrial Development Fund". *Subjects of industrial-innovation activities, in which fifty percent or more of the shares (stakes in the authorized capital) are directly or indirectly owned by the state, national managing holding, national holding, national company (except for the socio-entrepreneurial corporation, as well as entrepreneurs established within the framework of a public-private partnership agreement), are not eligible for financing of projects in the manufacturing industry.

Budget funds are allocated through an increase in the authorized capital and/or budget lending by JSC "Industrial Development Fund" to finance:

- Projects in light industry with a reward rate of no more than 3% per annum for end borrowers.

- Projects in processing industry are allowed to be financed at a rate not exceeding 9% for the end borrower when combining budget funds with attracted funds in a proportion where the share of budget funds is at least 70%, depending on the rate of attracting other funds.

The industrial-innovative activity subject ensures the participation with funds in the implementation of the project in the amount of at least 15% of the total financing amount (for projects aimed at increasing production localization, participation with funds in the implementation of the project in an amount of less than 15% is allowed). The financing amount should be at least 80 million tenge (at least 50 million tenge for light industry enterprises). The financing is provided for a period of no more than 20 years.

5. Leasing financing by JSC "Industrial Development Fund".

Renewal/modernization of automobiles, special equipment, agricultural machinery, and buses through the mechanism of leasing financing by JSC "Industrial Development Fund".

- Leasing financing is provided in tenge for automobiles and special equipment for a period of no more than 7 years, with a reward rate for applicants of 7% per annum, while the ratio of budget funds and other funding sources of JSC "Industrial Development Fund" should be 80/20. The advance payment is at least 15% from the local budget funds or the lessee's own funds (in the case of repayment of leasing payments from the republican or local budgets, financing without an advance payment is allowed). However, for bus models produced using welding and painting operations, the advance payment is at least 5%.

Renewal of the fleet of vehicles involved in freight transportation.

- Leasing financing of vehicles involved in freight transportation is provided in tenge through JSC "Industrial Development Fund" for a period of no more than 7 years, with a reward rate for applicants of 7% per annum, while the ratio of budget funds and other funding sources of JSC "Industrial Development Fund" should be 80/20. The advance payment is at least 30% from the local budget funds or the lessee's own funds (in the case of repayment of leasing payments from the republican or local budgets, financing without an advance payment is allowed).

- Leasing financing for applicants acquiring vehicles, special-purpose vehicles, excluding agricultural machinery (hereinafter referred to as vehicles) through leasing, is provided in tenge through JSC "Industrial Development Fund" for a period of 3 to 5 years with a reward rate for applicants of 3% per annum. The advance payment must be at least 30% (in the case of repayment of leasing payments from the funds of the National Road Management Operator, with the state having a hundred percent participation in the authorized capital and exercising the powers established by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Highways," financing without an advance payment is allowed). Leasing financing based on the mechanism of public-private partnership is allowed. The sources of leasing financing will be the funds of the republican budget.

Renewal of the park of domestically produced medical equipment.

- Leasing financing for applicants acquiring domestically produced medical equipment is provided in tenge through JSC "Industrial Development Fund" for a period of no more than 7 years with a reward rate for applicants of 3% per annum. The advance payment is at least 30%. In the case of repayment of leasing payments from the republican or local budgets, financing without an advance payment is allowed. Leasing financing of medical equipment can be used by healthcare entities: local executive bodies, state institutions, state communal enterprises exercising economic management rights, state communal enterprises, municipal communal enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as medical organizations with private ownership.

6. Investments in share capital and the provision of mezzanine financing through JSC "Qazaqstan Investment Corporation" will be carried out through two financing schemes depending on the functioning of the enterprise:

- Equity and mezzanine financing for existing enterprises will be provided to processing industry enterprises through direct investment funds under preferential conditions: financing period up to 10 years, participation of JSC "Qazaqstan Investment Corporation" up to 49% in the share/capital, final reward rate - 8%, investment size in one project from 1 billion tenge to 5 billion tenge;

- Equity financing for newly established small and medium-sized businesses (hereinafter referred to as SMEs) without experience in similar business activities, jointly with the Development Financial Institution (DFI), under a 20-20-60% scheme (20% applicant's own funds, 20% DFI funds, 60% financing from the Development Bank). Financing of projects in collaboration with the Development Bank will be provided at 8% for the end recipient for medium-sized projects with a cost ranging from 2 to 7 billion tenge. JSC "Qazaqstan Investment Corporation" will provide equity financing under preferential conditions: financing period up to 10 years, participation of JSC "Qazaqstan Investment Corporation" up to 49% in the share/capital, final reward rate - 8%, size of equity financing in one project (20% DFI funds) from 0.4 billion tenge to 1.4 billion tenge. Financing from the Development Bank will be provided to enterprises in the processing industry at a nominal reward rate not exceeding the base rate set by the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, increased by 5 percentage points, with the difference subsidized by the government.

Budget funds will be allocated to increase the share capital of JSC "NUH "Baiterek" with subsequent replenishment of the share capital of JSC "Qazaqstan Investment Corporation" for the funding of direct investment funds to carry out investments in the capital of processing industry enterprises.

Operational roadmap for executing the "Concept for the Development of the Manufacturing Industry of Kazakhstan (2023–2029)"

As of 31.12.2024


Responsible parties

Implementation status

Direction 1. Labor productivity in manufacturing


Implementation of projects in the manufacturing industry with the participation of JSC "Industrial Development Fund" (by increasing the authorized capital of JSC "Industrial Development Fund" and/or budget lending).


JSC "NMH "Baiterek"



As part of the allocated funds 84 projects were financed for a total amount of 473.3 billion tenge.


Implementation of projects in the manufacturing industry with the participation of JSC "Development Bank of Kazakhstan" through the implementation of budget investments/budget loans


JSC "NMH "Baiterek"



As part of the allocated funds 2 projects were financed for a total amount of 31 billion tenge.


Making investments in manufacturing enterprises through equity and mezzanine financing instruments


JSC "NMH "Baiterek"



As part of the allocated funds 11 projects were financed for a total amount of 35.2 billion tenge.


Implementation of projects in the furniture, paper, packaging, woodworking industry and in-demand goods of the construction industry (with the exception of basic building materials: cement, ready-mixed concrete, reinforced concrete products, gas block, silicate bricks, dry building mixes) with the participation of JSC Industrial Development Fund


JSC "NMH "Baiterek"


On execution.

The consideration of financing projects in the furniture, paper, packaging, woodworking industries, and popular construction industry goods will be contingent upon the submission of applications and the allocation of budget funds.


Renewal of the park of medical equipment of domestic production



JSC "NMH "Baiterek"

On execution.

The consideration of financing projects on renewal of the park of medical equipment of domestic production will be contingent upon the submission of applications and the allocation of budget funds.

Direction 2. Investments in fixed assets in the manufacturing industry


Implementation of a project to provide with mechanical engineering products: agricultural machinery


JSC "NMH "Baiterek"



246 leasing items were financed in the amount of 7.2 billion tenge for the purchase of combine harvesters and agricultural machinery.


Implementation of a project to provide with mechanical engineering products: buses


JSC "NMH "Baiterek"



52 leasing transactions in the amount of 122.4 billion tenge were financed.


Implementation of a project to provide with mechanical engineering products: fire, rescue, sanitary, municipal equipment, emergency vehicles, patrol cars

On execution.

The consideration of financing projects on implementation of a project to provide with mechanical engineering products will be contingent upon the submission of applications and the allocation of budget funds.


Implementation of a project to provide with mechanical engineering products: vehicles involved in freight transportation

On execution.

The consideration of financing projects on implementation of a project to provide with mechanical engineering products will be contingent upon the submission of applications and the allocation of budget funds.


Implementation of a project to provide with mechanical engineering products: passenger cars


JSC "NMH "Baiterek"



SIP, FEJ were not formed due to the allocation of funds for the development of public transport.


Implementation of the project to provide with mechanical engineering products: motor vehicles and special-purpose vehicles, with the exception of agricultural machinery manufactured in Kazakhstan


JSC "NMH "Baiterek"



442 units of motor vehicles and special-purpose vehicles were financed in the amount of 25.3 billion tenge


Stimulating export financing of domestic producers at a rate of no more than 6 %


JSC "NMH "Baiterek"



14 projects were financed for a total amount of 62.5 billion tenge


Creation of a production facility for the production of high-quality ferrosilicon with a capacity of 240 thousand tons per year in the Pavlodar region


JSC "NMH "Baiterek"



The project is financed from the own funds of the Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC, attracted on market terms.


Implementation of a project for the purchase of technological equipment for the creation of cast iron production (leasing financing)


JSC "NMH "Baiterek"




The disbursement of funds has been completed in full.


Implementation of a project for production of main gears of driving axles of trucks: purchase of equipment through leasing financing and construction of a plant

MIID, MTI, JSC "NMH "Baiterek", JSC "DBK", JSC "IDF", JSC "SEC "Tobol"

On execution.

Financing of a leasing transaction for the production of main gears of driving axles of trucks has begun, 66.78 billion tenge has been disbursed.


Monitoring the implementation of industrial and innovative projects of the Unified Industrialization Map

ME, MA, JSC "NMH "Baiterek", JSC "NWF "Samruk-Kazyna", akimats of regions, cities of Astana, Almaty and Shymkent

On execution.

Monitoring of the implementation of industrial and innovative projects of the Unified Industrialization Map is carried out on a quarterly basis.


Implementation of a project for construction and reconstruction of small industrial zones for development of small and medium-sized businesses

MIID, MNE, MF, akimats of regions, cities of Astana, Almaty and Shymkent, JSC "IDF"


8 projects of social and entrepreneurial corporations in the amount of 46.6 billion tenge were financed

All programs

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