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Baiterek has an active role in sustainable development of micro, small and medium sized businesses in Kazakhstan by means of realization of complex and effective instruments of support.

“Damu” Entrepreneurship Development Fund JSC

“Damu” Entrepreneurship Development Fund JSC

The main operator of the programs for the development of small and medium-sized businesses is the Holding’s subsidiary, “Damu” Entrepreneurship Development Fund JSC (hereinafter referred to as the Fund).

The Fund is a national development institution, the objective of which is to promote the high-quality development of private entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan by providing financial support.

The mission of the Fund is an active role in the sustainable development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in Kazakhstan through the implementation of comprehensive and effective support tools.

The Fund offers a wide range of products and services for entrepreneurs: financing under lending programs through second-tier banks, microfinance organizations, leasing companies and other legal entities, subsidizing interest rates on loans, loans guaranteeing, consulting support and support for entrepreneurs' projects.

The Fund is represented in all the regions of Kazakhstan. The regional network consists of 17 branches in all oblast centers, as well as in the cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty, Shymkent, Semei. In addition, business support infrastructure is represented by 18 Business Service Centers and 14 Mobile Business Support Centers. All the branches have significant experience working with local enterprises, public organizations and local executive bodies.

Further information on the Fund’s activities, as well as products and services offered can be obtained by visiting the Fund’s corporate website:

«Export credit agency of Kazakhstan» JSC

«Export credit agency of Kazakhstan» JSC

«Export credit agency of Kazakhstan» JSC is a national development institute established to support Kazakhstan's exports through the implementation of insurance tools to protect export operations.

«Export credit agency of Kazakhstan» JSC offers insurance services for commercial and political risks accompanying the implementation of foreign economic contracts of exporting enterprises of the non-resource sector.

The Company's mission is to support the growth of exports of non–primary goods, works, services in priority sectors of the economy and the formation of the practice of financial, insurance and non-financial support of Kazakhstani enterprises.

The Company's vision is to become a key development institution in the implementation of the state foreign economic policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Central Asian region and the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union by 2023.

The company is gradually expanding the geography of its presence: there are offices of foreign representatives of «Export credit agency of Kazakhstan» JSC in Tashkent, Dushanbe, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Bishkek, Kazan and Xi'an (China).

For more detailed information about the activities of «Export credit agency of Kazakhstan» JSC and the insurance products offered for small and medium-sized businesses, please visit the Company's corporate Internet resource:
Industrial Development Fund JSC

Industrial Development Fund JSC

JSC "Industrial Development Fund" is a subsidiary of JSC "Development Bank of Kazakhstan" and is part of the structure of JSC "National Managing Holding "Baiterek". The company was established on September 6, 2005 in order to expand the investment project financing tools provided by the Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC.

The Company's goal is to implement the state investment policy in support of entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan operating in priority sectors of the economy, as well as assistance in attracting foreign and domestic investments into the economy of Kazakhstan through leasing financing.

The Company's mission is to assist in the modernization and renewal of fixed assets of enterprises in the industrial and infrastructure sectors.

JSC "Industrial Development Fund", being one of the key operators of state and government programs, such as the State Program of Industrial and Innovative Development and the State Program of Infrastructure Development "Nurly Zhol", provides medium- and long-term financial leasing services in priority sectors of the economy for the state, such as manufacturing, manufacturing and transport infrastructure.
Qazaqstan Investment Corporation JSC

Qazaqstan Investment Corporation JSC

Qazaqstan Investment Corporation JSC is a fund of private equity funds established in 2007 to promote the sustainable development of the national economy, the formation of privateequity infrastructure in Kazakhstan, attracting foreign investment in priority sectors of the economy, using leading international experience, transfer of innovative knowledge and technologies to private equity.

Qazaqstan Investment Corporation JSC, together with international institutional investors, effectively manages private equity funds. The funds of Qazaqstan Investment Corporation JSC provide capital to companies in various sectors of the economy in order to further growth and increase competitiveness.

The mission is to take a leading role in the development of the PI ecosystem in Kazakhstan by investing in strong teams that will be able to create stable and efficiently managed companies, receive a steady level of profit and contribute to the growth and modernization of the economy.

For small and medium-sized businesses, large businesses, a program of preferential financing is offered with the involvement of second-tier banks at the expense of Qazaqstan Investment Corporation JSC.

The Program provides attractive financing conditions: the interest rate is 8% per annum, the amount of investments is up to 5 billion tenge with a term of up to 10 years.

The participation of QIC in funded companies is limited to 49% in the capital, which ensures that the entrepreneur retains control over the management of the company.

The program involves financing a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, infrastructure projects, and so on. The Program will be implemented in two directions: support of corporate business and development of SMEs.

The operators of the Program are subsidiaries of Qazaqstan Investment Corporation – Baiterek Venture Fund and BV Management. At the same time, partner banks represented by Sberbank, ForteBank, Bank CenterCredit, VTB Bank and Alfa-Bank are also involved in the direction of SME development.

Agrarian Credit Corporation JSC

Agrarian Credit Corporation JSC

The mission of JSC "Agrarian Credit Corporation" is to promote the sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan by forming an affordable and effective financing system through the involvement of private financial institutions and improving the competencies of agro-industrial entities.

JSC "Agrarian Credit Corporation" is focused on crediting investment projects in the agro-industrial complex, financing spring field and harvesting works, funding credit partnerships, microfinance organizations, leasing companies, second-tier banks for subsequent lending to agro-industrial entities.
KazAgroFinance JSC

KazAgroFinance JSC

As part of the execution of the order of the Head of State, the Holding transferred 100% of the shares of KazAgroFinance JSC to Agrarian Credit Corporation JSC on July 25, 2022

The mission of KazAgroFinance JSC is to promote the technical equipment of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan by providing high-quality and competitive leasing services. The company provides an opportunity for agricultural entities to purchase various types of agricultural machinery and equipment of domestic and foreign production.

Subsidiaries in the agricultural sector are represented in all regions of Kazakhstan – regional centers, as well as in the cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty, Shymkent, Semey.

For more detailed advice, you can contact the nearest branches of the companies.
Baiterek Holding: affordable loans, business support and agribusiness development

Nurbolat Aidapkelov, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC "NUH "Baiterek", gave an interview on the results of the financing of the agro-industrial complex for the first half of 2023.

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