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01/10/2025 13:10:00

The pilot project on the use of digital tenge in the agro-industrial complex has been successfully completed


State language: common interests

State language: common interests
Baiterek National Managing Holding JSC held a round table on the topic "State Language: Common Interests" as part of the implementation of the Action Plan for the state program of language policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025, dedicated to September 5 - the Day of Languages of the People of Kazakhstan.

This event, organized by the Baiterek holding, was attended by employees of all subsidiaries responsible for language development. During the round table, attention was paid to the significance of this important date, employees shared their experience in their organizations on the implementation of language policy and spoke about the measures taken in this direction. Issues related to the state language and problems related to document flow in organizations were also discussed. Participants also presented various proposals that could contribute to the expansion of the use of the state language within the community.

The round table was attended by the journalist and PR manager of the Agrarian Credit Corporation Kanat Turar, who read a specially written poem "Tіlge arnau", surprising those present.

In addition, in order to increase the significance and popularity of the Day of the Languages of the People of Kazakhstan and actively involve the group of companies of the holding in public events, a festive video greeting dedicated to this day was organized. All subsidiaries of the holding also supported this initiative. The festive video dedication was presented to the public through a monitor in the elevator of the Baiterek business center and published on the official pages of the holding and its subsidiaries in social networks.

At the end of the event, all subsidiaries that actively participated in the celebration of the Day of Languages were awarded a letter of thanks from the Baiterek holding.

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