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PPP in the field of medicine

PPP in the field of medicine

Chairman of the Management Board of “Kazakhstan Project Preparation Fund” LLP (KPPF – a subsidiary of “Baiterek” Holding) Adil Utembayev, during the conference “Infrastructure PPP in Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia and Ukraine” held in Kiev, reported about the experience of Kazakhstan in projects implementation on the basis of public and private partnership in the field of health care.

He noted that the PPP institution for Kazakhstan is a relatively new sector, the development of which has been started in the country since 2006. Despite a short period of the new institution introduction, to date a legal background has been created for PPP projects implementation, and a number of state institutions are operating to support this area.

- Today the PPP area is actively being developed in Kazakhstan. Hundreds of PPP projects are being successfully implemented in the country both at the national and regional level - A. Utembayev emphasized. - At the same time, the main purpose of KPPF is contribution to the infrastructure of Kazakhstan development by means of services providing to support infrastructure projects, including those implemented under the PPP mechanism.

With the direct participation of KPPF a pilot BOT project in the field of public health care - construction and operation of a multi-field hospital for 300 beds at the Kazakh National Medical University named after Asfendiyarov in Almaty started to be implemented in Kazakhstan.

Within the framework of the project, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan plans to conclude a Public-private partnership agreement with the private party for the construction and further maintenance of the university hospital. The project will be implemented within the framework of the facility management model, which implies the construction and maintenance of the clinic by the concessionaire.

- To date, a contribution agreement has been signed between the fund and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), in which the EBRD attracts technical assistance provided by the international consultants to assess the investment attractiveness of the project and consultative support during the competition, - said the head of KPPF.

This project is “pilot” in the field of health care of Kazakhstan, therefore it is of particular importance for the further development of such large-scale projects of public-private partnership. The beginning of construction is planned in 2020.

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