
07/16/2024 16:46:00

Baiterek Holding and Citigroup Inc. explore potential cooperation


Baiterek Holding Is Financing the Connectivity of Villages to High-Speed Internet

Baiterek Holding Is Financing the Connectivity of Villages to High-Speed Internet

Baiterek National Managing Holding JSC is involved in connecting villages to the high-speed Internet through its subsidiary, the “Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC (DBK).


The solemn ceremony of signing the Agreement on Credit Line Opening for the investment project between Kazakhtelecom JSC and DBK was attended by the executives of “Baiterek NMH” JSC, Aidar Arifkhanov, “Kazakhtelecom JSC,  Kuanyshbek Yessekeyev, Development Bank of Kazakhstan” JSC, Abai Sarkulov,  and “QazTech Ventures” JSC, Zhandos Shaimardanov.




The project provides the arrangement of broadband Internet access services using a fiber optic network for government agencies and budgetary institutions, private organizations and the public in villages with a population of more than 500 people. High-speed Internet is expected to reach 828 villages in all the regions of the country. The total communication channel capacity in the villages will be at least 50 Mbit/s.




- We are glad that we are participating in an important project such as providing high-speed Internet to villages and auls with a population of more than 500 people. There are schools, medical facilities, government agencies, businesses located for which high-speed Internet could make life much easier. For instance, one is able to obtain various reference statements, consultations of doctors, access to online education, training materials, order the necessary goods and much more using it, - Aidar Arifkhanov noted.


The project is being implemented jointly with Kazakhtelecom and a consortium of “Transtelecom” JSC and “SilkNetCom” LLP within a public-private partnership. It should be noted that PPP facilities are not transferred to government ownership, the owner of the facilities under the project is a private partner. The partner of Kazakhtelecom in arranging DBK’s financing was Baiterek Holding’s subsidiary, “QazTech Ventures” JSC, as an external technical expert and financial and technical controller for the project.




- The task set by Yelbasy for digitalization of rural settlements is a strategic one. Its execution aligns the digital disparity, access to information compared between the village and the city. For Kazakhtelecom company, Baiterek Holding’s support, in particular through DBK, is a big strategic step, since the mission of development institutions is bringing something new to the country and solving systemic social challenges. I would like to thank you, Aidar Abdrazakhovich, for your close attention to this project. I believe that this project affects the development of the country's market in general and will give a new impetus to the development of rural districts, - said Kuanyshbek Yessekeyev.


The project cost is 57.7 billion tenge, including 26.6 billion of loan provided by the Development Bank of Kazakhstan.




- The access to high-quality Internet communication in villages will allow improving the speed and quality of works in government institutions, as well as increasing the share of government services received electronically up to 80% of the total volume of public services by 2022. In general, an increase in the share of Internet users is expected to reach 82% by 2022, - Abay Sarkulov added in his turn.


It should be recalled that this project implementation is carried out within the “Digital Kazakhstan” State Program initiated by the First President, Yelbasy, Nursultan Nazarbayev. This program is aimed at accelerating the pace of economic development and improving the quality of life among the population through digital technologies use.




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