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Baiterek Holding secures 100 billion tenge to provide farmers with early-season financing

Baiterek Holding secures 100 billion tenge to provide farmers with early-season financing
On November 28, 2024, Baiterek Holding raised 100 billion tenge by issuing bonds on the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange to ensure timely financing for farmers.

The funds will be distributed via the Agrarian Credit Corporation to support spring field and harvesting works (SFHW).

Starting November 1, 2024, applications have been accepted under the Ken Dala 2 program, which offers early financing for SFHW. This program offers state funding, enabling farmers to access loans on preferential terms.

Notably, for the first time, preferential loans for SFHW are being provided before the sowing and harvesting season begins. This early funding allows farmers to purchase essential resources and start sowing on time, ensuring a successful agricultural campaign.

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