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Baiterek Holding charts strategic roadmap for the decade ahead

Baiterek Holding charts strategic roadmap for the decade ahead

     At the start of the year, Baiterek National Management Holding ratified the Development Plan spanning 2024-2033.

     The strategic imperatives are designed to bolster key sectors within Kazakhstan's economy. In its new Development Plan spanning 2024-2033, Baiterek Holding will concentrate on three pivotal areas: fostering entrepreneurship, cultivating an equity financing ecosystem, and providing people with affordable housing.

     In the realm of entrepreneurship support, Baiterek Holding will actively champion micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), employing an array of financial and non-financial tools. Particular emphasis will be placed on addressing the lack of integrated MSME ecosystems surrounding larger enterprises. The development plan entails incentivizing large corporations to engage with MSMEs by enhancing their involvement in supply chains, facilitating loan repayment, ensuring access to raw materials, and undertaking outsourcing ventures. To this end, Baiterek Holding intends to institute a system of reciprocal obligations alongside preferential financing and foster the growth of ecosystems around major investors, leveraging an inclusive approach to bolstering and nurturing project financing endeavors.

     It is noteworthy that in formulating the Development Plan, the recommendations of the President and strategic and programmatic documents of state planning were duly considered. The plan is accessible for review on the Holding’s official website.

     Through the successful execution of this strategy, Baiterek Holding aspires to position itself as a proactive management entity contributing to the qualitative transformation of Kazakhstan's economic landscape by cultivating new industry "growth points".

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