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Baiterek Holding and the EBRD discuss investment cooperation

Baiterek Holding and the EBRD discuss investment cooperation

Kanat Sharlapayev, Chairman of the Board of Baiterek Holding, held a business meeting with Alain Pilloux, Vice President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the EBRD).

The meeting was attended by Zsuzsanna Hargitai (Managing Director of EBRD Central Asia), Huseyin Ozhan (Director of EBRD Kazakhstan), Deputy Chairmen of the Board of Baiterek Holding, and top managers of the Holding’s subsidiaries – Otbasy Bank, Kazyna Capital Management, Development Bank of Kazakhstan, and Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund.

Kanat Sharlapayev told the meeting participants about Baiterek Holding’s strategic activities: providing support for entrepreneurs engaged in the agro-industrial complex and the construction industry.


Baiterek Holding is a flagship institution in many sectors of Kazakhstan's economy. It has taken anti-crisis measures to counteract the pandemic’s negative effects. At present, the Holding’s main goal is to develop new support measures and increase the involvement of second-tier banks in the national economy. Cooperation with the EBRD is an integral part of our strategy, – stated Kanat Sharlapayev.

Alain Pilloux spoke about the EBRD’s activities in Kazakhstan and their plans for the current year.


We are ready to cooperate with Baiterek Holding and its subsidiaries to finance the private sector of Kazakhstan, – said Alain Pilloux.


At the end of the meeting, the parties agreed to continue the dialogue and develop proposals for enhancing mutually beneficial cooperation.

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