
Women of the «Baiterek» holding: the main gift for March 8 is the attention of loved ones

Women of the «Baiterek» holding: the main gift for March 8 is the attention of loved ones

Do you know that most of the departments of the Baiterek holding are run by women? Their contribution to the implementation of state programs of the country is great. And yet, they are empathetic wives and caring mothers. On the eve of International Women's Day, we decided to contact them and find out how they combine a leadership position at work with a “position” of a hearth keeper, and what does March 8 mean for them?

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Dina Akrachkova

Chief of staff

“The fact is that I belong to that category of happy women, whose loved ones have created all the conditions for the development of my career. Therefore, I do not have to combine these positions. And March 8 for me is a holiday of spring, flowers and attention, so this is what I expect from men. "

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Mayra Turganova

Deputy Corporate Secretary - Head of the Corporate Secretary Service

“Being a woman is really an art. Despite the fact that I devote a lot of time to work, my family has always been in the first place. I think the expression: “The most important thing is the athmosphere in the house”, because when everything is fine in the family, then everything will work out at work too. So here I am at home - an ordinary woman, wife and mother of four children.

I always understood that a woman should take care of the family, but I had an example that my mother had time to work and to do the housework, and she always looks good, and I follow her example. Self-realization in society is very important for a woman. I am happy that I have a wonderful family and a job I love.

Nowadays, March 8 has become a day of love and family values, despite the very history of the holiday. The UN General Assembly proclaimed March 8 a day to celebrate the achievements of women, reminding the world of the need to respect gender equality. I believe that our holding pays great attention to the achievements and contributions of women colleagues, supporting gender equality at the level of corporate governance and management in general. Well, in our family, March 8 is my dad's birthday, the beginning of spring, and in March the Kazakhs have korisu kuni – the day when people congratulate each other on the arrival of spring, say good wishes, and pay tribute to the older generation. For me, first of all, this is a sincere family holiday, all the guests who come to congratulate dad on his birthday, congratulate the entire female half of the family: we have a mother and three sisters in the family. It's like New Year's for us."

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Asel Battalova

Director of the Department of Analysis and Research

“I enjoy my work and my family a lot. Personally, I successfully balance between the two "positions" helps drawing up the correct daily routine and strict adherence to it. And I associate March 8 with a happy woman with an armful of flowers in her hands."

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Zhanar Zhakaeva

Director of the Human Resource Management Department

“In my opinion, there is no universal formula, it is different for every woman. The modern world dictates its own rules to us, you need to be fast, flexible, multitasking, highly organized in everything. These qualities are the basis both in a career and in a family life. Family for me is always in the first place, and if there is a question of career or family, I will, of course, choose family. But, I’ve never had to make this choice, and for this I am grateful to my husband. He always supports me in everything, I think this is the secret of family well-being. And on March 8, the main gifts for me are those feelings and emotions that my sons and spouse give me. The rest doesn't matter. "Айгуль Баймульдинова (1) 1.jpg

Aigul Baimuldinova

Head of Document Support Service

“I am happy to work in such a wonderful company as the Baiterek holding. I love my job and am proud of it. You can’t just look through incoming and outgoing documents, you must always be in the subject. The "Special" type of control is a priority at work and at home. Sometimes it seems that it is difficult to combine family and work, but it is this complexity that stimulates me. This is very interesting for me: in the afternoon to solve important issues in the office, and in the evening to rush home to share what happened today and discuss plans for tomorrow at dinner. For me, my beloved family and friendly team are two halves of one whole. And March 8 is always a joyful holiday! It is the scent of roses and the taste of milk chocolate, hugs and kisses, waiting for lovely gifts! "

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Aliya Murzagalieva

Director of the Asset Management Department

“Combining family and work can only be done by planning and following this plan. You must always have several options so as not to get very upset if the plan is not implemented. Sometimes you have to put some questions on your spouse and children. I think I can do this solely thanks to the support of my spouse and the fact that my older daughters are quite independent already.

March 8 for me is, first of all, a time to spend with my family. A holiday of tenderness and motherly love. These days I try to hold “Mothers and Daughters Day” - this is our tradition. Our beloved dad is next to us. And he always congratulates us in an unusual way. I expect beautiful, important deeds and tulips."

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Perizat Shakenova

Head of the Press Service

“My daughter and son have grown up a long time ago. They have their own families and their own concerns. Of course, I am always with them, and, if necessary, I help. Therefore, I easily combine family and work, which I love very much. I have 24 years of experience in PR. And it so happened that my career path began with the creation of the symbolically vernal "May-TV" channel  in the May district of Pavlodar region, where I used to work in an akimat.

It so happened that I was born on March 9th. Therefore, we celebrated March 8 and 9 on the same day - March 8. When I was little, all the relatives came to our house to congratulate grandmothers and mother on March 8, and at the same time congratulate me with my birthday. In truth, it was a real family holiday, when several generations gathered for a large dastarkhan - from great-grandmothers to great-grandchildren. This good tradition continues to this day. As a child, I used to be offended, but now I understand that this is happiness. "⁠

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