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"Third modernization of Kazakhstan"brainstorming session will take place at AEF 2018

"Third modernization of Kazakhstan"brainstorming session will take place at AEF 2018

In order to increase the competitiveness and enter the TOP30 of the most developed countries in the world, Kazakhstan must increase labor productivity, develop business and innovation. The participants of "Third modernization of Kazakhstan" brainstorming session which takes place at AEF 2018:GlobalChallengesSummitwill discuss how to integrate into new markets, which dynamically growing new markets Kazakhstan can seize (unmanned and electric transport, digital solutions for cities and others).

“Baiterek” - an official partner of AEF 2018: GlobalChallengesSummit– will implementthe development of non-oil and gas branch of economyand support of non-oil and gas products export programunder the development strategy until 2023.


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