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Effective implementation of “Nurly zher” program

Effective implementation of “Nurly zher” program

Nurzhan Nurlanov, Managing Director and Member of the Management Board of “National Managing Holding “Baiterek” JSC told about the key results of “Nurly zher” housing construction program implementation in the first half of 2018in the interview with

We bring to your attention the most important facts from the interview:

- “Baiterek” Holding is the only operator of “Nurly zher” State Housing Construction Program implementation;

- according to the results of the first half of the year, all the main planned indicators of the program implementation were achieved;

- due to the Holding support under “Nurly zher” program, local executive bodies annually build 15,000 apartments;

- in the first half of this year Zhilstroysberbank issued to the population 25.7 thousand preferential housing loans for a total amount of 176 billion KZT;

- annual growth of new depositors in the housing construction savings system is 35%;

- more than 96 thousand users were registered on - a special single real estate portal for the customers of ZSSBK, 247 objects were placed under “Nurly zher” program;

- by means of more than 30 thousand applications for participation in the pool of home buyers were filled, 9564 apartments were sold. There are still about 17.9 thousand apartments for sale;

- more than 400 thousand users were registered in the online banking system of ZSSBK;

- since the online cession service has been launched, Zhilstroysberbank realized 520 deposits for the amount of 1.25 billion KZT;

- 231 cottages with a total area of ​​26.5 thousand sq. m. were put into operation due to the lending service provided by ZSSBK. It is planned to build another 548 houses by the end of the year;

- in 2018 more than 66 thousand military men - the recipients of housing allowances - opened special accounts in the bank in order to purchase apartments on preferential terms;

- due to “Nurly zher” program implementation, new instruments for protection of equity holders have been introduced on the legislation level.

Full text of the interview is available on portal at the following link




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