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Digitalization process in “Baiterek” Holding

Digitalization process in “Baiterek” Holding

Briefing with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of “National Managing Holding “Baiterek” JSC Anuar Omarkhojayev was held in the Central Communications Service on the issue “the digitalization progress of business state support using the “one stop-shop” principles under the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan “New development opportunities in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution” implementation.

A. Omarkhojayev noted in his report that “Baiterek” Holding, as the largest financial development institution, systematically solves the problems related to the activities digitalization. In particular, the Digitalization Strategy of the Holding for 2018-2023, containing six key activities and twenty specific digital process stages is implemented.

The speaker also noted that now thanks to the startup of the Digital Baiterek project, the Holding has digitized the business state support measures, among them 19 services of the Holding - 70 percent of the all services provided by “NMH “Baiterek” JSC have been already automated.

It was also emphasized that “Baiterek” Holding has been purposefully digitalizing the working process for several years. In this regard, the company has a positive experience in the field of business support within the framework of the “e-government” portal.

During the briefing, a new Portal on real estate properties monitoring, financed under “Nurly zher” program through bonded loans, as well as the Situation Center were presented. The project was developed by the subsidiary of the Holding – “Baiterek Development” JSC. The portal is intended for local executive bodies that will place electronic information on the residential facilities construction progress in the regions. All these data will be got rendered in the interactive Situation Center of “Baiterek Development” JSC in real time. These solutions will allow remote monitoring of all facilities under construction using modern technologies.

“Final result of digitalization process is increasing of the Holding efficiency, saving money and time, facilitating the availability of our services for the citizens and ensuring of the transparency of all client-oriented processes. Our purpose is to digitize all the activities and create a single digital ecosystem of the Holding” – said Omarkhojayev during his report.

Full version of the report find here

Капиталының 50%-ы әйелдерге тиесілі және қызметкерлерінің кем дегенде 30%-ы әйелдерден тұратын, әйел-кәсіпкерлер басқаратын кәсіпорындар үшін сомасы 90 000 $ дейінгі кредиттер. Пайыздық мөлшермесі 14%-ға дейін құрайды.

Сала бойынша шектеу қоймайтын, сомасы 1,6 млн $ дейінгі кредит ұсынатын шағын және орта бизнесті кредиттеу бағдарламасы

Кәсіпкерлер, жаңадан бастаушылар және мүмкіндігі шектеулі адамдар үшін қаржылық емес қолдау

Ең жоғары құны 2,2 млн. $ дейінгі ауылдық, шағын немесе бірпрофильді қалалардағы жаңа бизнес-бастамаларын қолдайды және ең көп көлемі 13,2 млн. $ өңдеуші өнеркәсіптердегі және бастапқы экономика секторларындағы кәсіпкерлердің жаңа бизнес-бастамаларын қолдайды.

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