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Baiterek holding's subsidiary, Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC, continues to increase its loan portfolio. According to the preliminary results of 2019, its volume reached 1,728 billion tenge, an increase of 31.5 billion tenge or 1.9 % compared to 2018. At the same time, since the creation of the Baiterek holding in 2013, the volume of the Development Bank's loan portfolio has increased by 4.6 times or 356%.
DBK finished 2019 with a positive financial result - according to unaudited data, consolidated net profit amounted to 7.5 billion tenge. The volume of equity amounted to 424.1 billion tenge, an increase of 12.8% compared to 2018.
During the reporting period, the Bank allocated 481 billion tenge for lending to the economy (including interbank lending in the amount of 28 billion tenge), and within the framework of direct lending, the Bank approved 11 investment projects and 3 export operations of non-resource industries for a total of 436.5 billion tenge. These are major projects such as the construction of a 100 MW solar power plant in Kapchagai, the construction of the Saryarka main gas pipeline, and the construction of a plant for the production of methyl-tert-butyl ether in the city. Shymkent, expansion of processing capacities of the Aktogay GOK, provision of broadband access to rural settlements of the Republic of Kazakhstan using fiber-optic communication lines, construction of the second stage of a broiler farm in the Akmola region, and other projects.
In order to reduce the share of public funds in the funding structure, the Development Bank uses various borrowing tools, both on the domestic and international capital markets – issuing and placing bonds, attracting interbank and budget loans, attracting deposits, developing credit lines, and others.
In 2019, 1.17 tenge of borrowings were raised for each tenge from public funds on market terms. Of the 329.5 billion tenge of funding raised by the DBK last year from various sources, 54% (177.9 billion tenge) comes from market funds. Thus, the DBK provides an increased demand of the Bank's borrowers for credit resources in the national currency. The share of loans in tenge in the structure of the Bank's loan portfolio in 2019 increased to 53% (915.3 billion tenge) from 43% (721.7 billion tenge) in 2018. The share of the loan portfolio in the national currency on the part of DBK has increased almost 12 times since the creation of the Baiterek holding in 2013.
2019 is also marked by the commissioning of significant projects, which have a large multiplier effect on industry of Kazakhstan: a high-tech plant for the production of ferrosilicium in the Karaganda LLP "YDD Corporation", a plant for the production of power transformers of LLP "Asia Trafo" in Shymkent gas pipeline "Saryarka", modernization and reconstruction of Shymkent oil refinery, completed the construction of a complex for deep refining at the Atyrau refinery. The Bank is also actively increasing its competence in the field of renewable energy sources. last year, the Nurgisa solar power plant in Kapchagai, the Zhylga solar power plant in the Turkestan region and the Astana EXPO-2017 wind power plant in the Akmola region were launched.
As part of the implementation of the State program of industrial and innovative development for 2015-2019 (SPIID), the DBK approved 23 projects for the total amount of 467.8 billion tenge (including 253 billion tenge from state sources), the available amount for financing is 113.2 billion tenge. This is such major projects as construction of Aktobe rail and beam plant, plant on production of cyanide of sodium in Karatau, modernization of a plant for the production of mineral fertilizers in Aktau, reconstruction of passenger terminal of Astana International airport, construction of transport-logistic center in Shymkent, the creation of a complex for the production of railway wheels in Ekibastuz, extension of the Aktau international sea port, construction of a plant for the production of power transformers in Shymkent, construction of a poultry farm broiler (phase 1 and 2) in Akmola region, construction of a plant for the production of ferrosilicium in Karaganda, reconstruction and modernization of Shymkent oil refinery construction of a plant for the production of methyl tert-butyl ether in Shymkent.
During the period of implementation of the SPIID for 2015-2019, about 4.5 thousand new jobs were created, according to the preliminary results of 2019, products worth about 450 billion tenge were sold, products worth about 168 billion tenge were exported, tax deductions to the budget amounted to about 83 billion tenge.
In 2020 and 2021, the Bank plans to develop projects worth about 430 billion tenge and 458 billion tenge, respectively. Thus, by 2021, The Bank's loan portfolio will amount to about 2 trillion tenge. For the current year, the DBK has identified a portfolio of potential projects, the industry structure of which mainly consists of projects in the manufacturing industry and infrastructure for a total amount of loans of about 1 trillion tenge.
The Bank's strategic plans include achieving key indicators set by the Baiterek holding and the Government, actively supporting Kazakhstan's exporters, developing competencies for financing "green projects", renewable energy sources and environmentally friendly projects in the manufacturing industry and infrastructure, working together with second-tier banks on projects, as well as cooperation with international investors.