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Baiterek Holding Is Participating in Shanghai Import Expo

Baiterek Holding Is Participating in Shanghai Import Expo

“Baiterek” National Managing Holding” JSC, as a part of the Kazakhstani delegation headed by the First Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov, is taking part in the Second Shanghai Import Expo, which is held during November 5 to 20 at the National Exhibition Center in Shanghai (China).


- It is important to participate in Shanghai Import Expo for Baiterek Holding, since this platform is a good opportunity to attract investments, establish business contacts, as well as increase the export opportunities of Kazakhstan. Experts say that over the next five years, China will be importing products and services worth more than 10 trillion US dollars. Each enterprise in the world is given a unique historical chance to enter the enormous Chinese market. In addition, the world’s large-scale businesses will also be here during these days: enterprises from more than 100 countries are taking part in the exhibition, - noted Rustam Karagoishin, the Deputy Chairman of the Holding’s Management Board.


The National Pavilion of Kazakhstan with an area of more than 250 square meters was arranged at the exhibition, in the creation of which Baiterek Holding was involved. The Holding and its subsidiary “KazakhExport” EIC” JSC presented their stands in the pavilion with information on the activities and opportunities of the companies.




- We are presenting the Holding’s tools, talking about our capabilities, promoting Kazakhstani exporters who are our clients, and will be establishing partnerships with the participating countries, - Rustam Karagoishin emphasized.


The Kazakhstani pavilion was visited by the Chairman of the Bank of China Liu Liange who noted that Shanghai Expo is an effective platform to develop cooperation between companies of Kazakhstan and China.




During the exhibition, a Memorandum was signed between “KazakhExport” EIC” JSC and Hunan Zhonghong Investment Management Co., Ltd aimed at promoting goods produced in Kazakhstan worth 10 million US dollars in Hunan Province.





The signing ceremony was held involving the participation of the Vice Mayor of the People’s Government of Xiangtan City, Yang Yingjie.




A Memorandum was also signed between “KazakhExport” EIC” JSC and Wuhan Asia Europe Logistics Co., Ltd for the promotion of goods produced in Kazakhstan throughout Hubei Province. The signing ceremony was attended by the Minister of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Bakhyt Sultanov, and the Vice Mayor of Wuhan City, Xu Hunlan.




Within the framework of the exhibition, a meeting of the Holding’s representatives with the Chairman of the Bank of China in Kazakhstan Liu Wei was held, in the course of which issues of further cooperation were discussed.




The Kazakhstani pavilion was of great interest for Chinese businessmen.




Mr. Liu, a businessman from Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, expressed his opinion that Chinese companies are interested in investing in the countries of Central Asia, the Balkan Peninsula and the Caucasus. At the same time, Kazakhstan is considered as one of the most profitable and attractive regions, since the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan pursues a rather effective policy to attract investment and create a favorable environment for business activities.




It should be recalled that the National Pavilion of Kazakhstan is represented by large companies, including “Baiterek” NMH” JSC and its subsidiary “KazakhExport” EIC” JSC, Samruk-Kazyna NWF, Kazakh Invest NC, AIFC, Qaztrade TPDC, KazakhTourism JSC, “Khorgos” ICBC for presentation of the country’s opportunities in the field of investment, trade, business and tourism.

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