
"Baiterek" holding has introduced artificial intelligence technologies in the construction of residential buildings

"Baiterek" holding has introduced artificial intelligence technologies in the construction of residential buildings

Altay Kuzdibaev, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of "Baiterek Development" JSC (a subsidiary of "Baiterek" Holding), spoke about the application of new construction methods, modern materials and technologies, and fundamentally different approaches to planning mass development.


Speaking at a press conference in the Central Communications Service under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he recalled that on August 1, 2018, an online portal was launched to collect information from akimats on state program facilities under construction and the "Nurly Zher" Situation Center was created. This center allows real-time monitoring of the progress of construction of facilities, the development of bond loans, the implementation of constructed housing.




- In the Situational Center, all information on allocated bond loans to local executive bodies is visualized in real time. That is, you can see on a map of Kazakhstan the volumes of financing of all regions, the dynamics of development, repayment of bonds, detailed information about the object. Here you can track directly the progress of construction of each facility (eight main stages of construction), see video / photo materials, see at what stage the construction of the facility is actually located, and also see the sales pace of the constructed facilities, Altai Kuzdibaev told reporters.


It is worth noting that the Situation Center is integrated with the Baiterek development accounting system, as well as with the Housing Construction Savings Bank system (a subsidiary of the Holding). This allows you to track the dynamics of the acquisition, redemption of bonds, build schedules for the movement of money, monitor the dynamics of savings by investors by region of the country. This information is for developing proposals on the effective distribution of free financial resources among akimats.


- Processing of photo and video streams is carried out using computer vision and artificial intelligence technologies. That is, if there are cameras at the facility, they can analyze the movement of equipment and labor at the construction site, Altai Kuzdibaev explained.


Today the center contains information on 485 objects of local executive bodies, of which 138 are under construction and 347 are completed. It also contains information on completed Baiterek development direct financing facilities and guarantee facilities of the Housing Construction Guarantee Fund.


According to preliminary estimates, the developed system made it possible to reduce the time for one Akimat employee to prepare a report from 16 hours to 6 hours a week, and the Bayterek development employee saved time for checking and processing the necessary reports from 16 hours to 1 hour per week. The system also reduced annual costs associated with this work by 26 million tenge and eliminated the use of paper media.


Meanwhile, taking into account the current capabilities and the volume of information of the Situation Center, the creation of a Marketplace of building materials is proposed as the next stage of development on its basis.




- We are developing the concept of “Marketplace of building materials”, which on its platform will directly connect customers and suppliers without intermediaries. Work is also underway to introduce a system of long-term oftek-contracts at fixed prices, which will ensure workload of house-building factories, manufacturers of building materials and import substitution through the localization of domestic production, said Anuar Omarkhodzhaev, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Baiterek NMH JSC.


The main idea of ​​the Marketplace is that all manufacturers of building materials in the country can post information about their products, and construction companies can purchase the necessary materials at the best prices. Moreover, the use of machine learning technologies and artificial intelligence will automatically select the necessary materials and equipment depending on the current stage and volume of construction. Thus, for construction companies, the best offer on the market for location based logistics is formed.


Over the past year, a study of the building materials market was conducted, according to which, according to some materials, the share of imports is more than 50% of the total demand, a similar platform will increase the local content and reduce the cost of housing construction.

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