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Baiterek holding will consider the possibility of financing projects in Zhambyl region for 300 billion tenge

Baiterek holding will consider the possibility of financing projects in Zhambyl region for 300 billion tenge

Aidar Arifkhanov, Chairman of the Management Board of Baiterek National Management Holding JSC, and Berdybek Saparbayev, akim of Zhambyl region, held an online meeting. During the event, opportunities for further cooperation in the development of entrepreneurship and the sphere of housing construction in the region were discussed.


The meeting was also attended by deputy akims, heads of regional departments, as well as the management of subsidiaries of the Holding.


- We are working with the Baiterek holding on joint projects in the areas of construction and business. But there are still reserves and opportunities for more active joint activities. So we need to use them , - Berdybek Saparbayev noted.

Baiterek holding will consider the possibility of financing projects in Zhambyl region for 300 billion tenge

In turn, Aydar Arifkhanov clarified that the Holding makes a significant contribution to the development of entrepreneurship in the Zhambyl region, providing a wide range of tools to both large and small and medium-sized businesses. In addition, the national holding actively finances housing construction in the region.


- So, in the direction of the construction of credit housing in the region through the system of housing construction savings, the Holding, since 2016, has redeemed bonds of local executive bodies for 28.3 billion tenge. At the expense of these funds, the akimats leased 2.2 thousand apartments, about 1.9 thousand apartments are being built, - said Aydar Arifkhanov.


In addition, within the framework of supporting large business, today, four projects are being serviced by a subsidiary of the Holding - the Development Bank of Kazakhstan (DBK) for a total amount of financing of 62.1 billion tenge, of which the amount of the DBK loan is 40.5 billion tenge.


- One of the successful projects supported by the Holding is a sodium cyanide plant with a capacity of 15,000 tons in the city of Karatau. The construction of the plant contributed to the creation of over 400 new jobs. There are many such examples, - emphasized Aydar Arifkhanov.


As for small and medium-sized businesses, the subsidiary of the Holding, the Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu", by the end of 9 months of 2020 in the region supported 1,669 projects worth 56 billion tenge, which is three times more (in terms of loans) compared to the same period 2019.


The head of the Baiterek holding expressed readiness for closer cooperation with the region.


According to the deputy akim of the region Almas Madiev, in the Zhambyl region until 2025, it is planned to implement 74 investment projects worth 2.4 trillion tenge. The Baiterek Holding is invited to consider the possibility of financing five projects with a total cost of 300.9 billion tenge.


The regional akim proposed to create a working group to promote the announced projects, as well as draw up a Roadmap, and by the end of November to sign a memorandum on joint activities.

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