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Baiterek Holding presented the updated Development Strategy to the business community

Baiterek Holding presented the updated Development Strategy to the business community

Adil Mukhamedzhanov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Baiterek Holding, gave an online presentation of the Holding’s amended Development Strategy for 2014-2023to the business community.

The updated Strategy contains three directions: support for entrepreneurship and the agro-industrial complex, and providing people with affordable housing. The amount and means of support will not be reduced and it will be easier to get this support.

It should be noted that the new strategic direction – the development of the agro-industrial complex – includes the processing or production of food, plant growing, and animal husbandry. Agrarian Credit Corporation, KazAgroFinance, Fund for Financial Support of Agriculture, Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund, KazakhExport, and Kazyna Capital Management are all involved in supporting the agro-industrial complex in terms of food production. Funding limits and responsibilities will be distributed between the subsidiaries to prevent them from performing the same tasks.

The draft of the updated Strategy has already been approved by the Holding’s Board of Directors and now it is being coordinated with the interested state bodies.

The meeting was attended by the heads of the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs and its regional branches, large industry associations and unions, representatives of second-tier banks, top managers and directors of the Holding’s structural divisions.

During the meeting, participants were given a chance to put forward their proposals and express opinions to the management of Baiterek Holding to improve the quality and availability of state support.

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