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"Baiterek" holding awarded "Excellence in financial service"

"Baiterek" holding awarded "Excellence in financial service"
Today, on the Day of National Currency, employees of the Baiterek holding and its subsidiaries were awarded with the badges “Karzhy Kyzmetinin Uzdigi” (Excellent Financial Officer) and letters of thanks from the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The awards were presented by the Chairman of the Management Board of the Holding Aydar Arifkhanov.

- For the Baiterek holding, as a key financial institution of the Government, the National Currency Day is of great importance. We are making a huge contribution to ensuring the financial stability of our country by supporting domestic business, the agro-industrial complex and housing construction. This requires remarkable professional qualities, and I am convinced that each of you has the necessary knowledge and experience, - Aidar Arifkhanov said in his congratulatory speech.

The head of the Baiterek holding congratulated all employees of the financial sector on their professional holiday and wished them high achievements and prosperity in the family.

The badges "Karzhy Kyzmetinin Uzdigi" were awarded to: Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC "NMH" Baiterek "Adil Mukhamedzhanov, Director of the corporate finance department of JSC" NMH "Baiterek" Sergey Kuklin, Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC ZhSSB "Otbasy Bank" Elmira AO Raspekova Development Bank of Kazakhstan "Adil Ismagambetov, Chief Accountant of Industrial Development Fund JSC Aliya Tulepbergenova, Chief Manager of the Economics and Budget Planning Department of Kazyna Capital Management JSC Bakhtiyar Katykbaev, Director of the Financial Planning Department of Kazakhstan Housing Company JSC Marlen Kelis, Director of the Treasury Department JSC "Export Insurance Company" KazakhExport "Almat Mukhazhanov, Director of the Regional Branch for the city of Shymkent and the Turkestan region of JSC" Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu" Erlan Tuktibaev, Head of the Credit Administration Department of the Branches of the Credit Administration Department of JSC "Agrarian Credit Corporation" Dan and Umerbaeva.

In addition, letters of gratitude were presented to the employees of Damu IDF JSC, KazAgroFinance JSC, Agricultural Financial Support Fund JSC, KZhK JSC, ZHSSB Otbasy Bank JSC.

The badge "Karzhy Kyzmetinin uzdigi" is awarded to employees of the financial system who have worked impeccably in the financial authorities of Kazakhstan for at least 10 years, "for exemplary performance of official duties, impeccable civil service, performance of tasks of particular importance and complexity, fruitful labor activity and other achievements in work".

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