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Baiterek Holding advances digital services on to support entrepreneurship

Baiterek Holding advances digital services on to support entrepreneurship

Baiterek National Management Holding is actively working to digitalize and streamline its processes. These efforts are part of the approved Roadmap of the Holding, which applies to both the Holding itself and its subsidiaries.

The Roadmap outlines the following goals to be achieved within two years:

  1. Reduce application review periods for all services within the Holding group, with a maximum review period of two months for large projects.
  2. Add 60 services to the website to support entrepreneurship.
  3. Automate 100% of client processes.

"In 2024, several services from the Holding's subsidiaries were added to, including all services from KazakhExport EIC and one service from Kazakhstan Housing Company. Currently, 44 services from all Holding subsidiaries are available on the website. Potential clients can apply for 27 state support measures by completing an electronic form and attaching necessary documents," stated Deputy Chairman of the Board of Baiterek Holding, Usen Galym.

The Holding has compiled a register of all state support measures for the group of companies, totaling about 70 instruments. Specific plans have been developed for each measure to reduce application review times for entrepreneurs, with set completion dates for optimization.

Efforts to simplify and expedite processes for the convenience of clients are ongoing, as the Holding continues to work towards its goals.

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