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Agrarian Credit Corporation began issuing preferential microcredits to rural entrepreneurs

Agrarian Credit Corporation began issuing preferential microcredits to rural entrepreneurs
The Agrarian Credit Corporation has begun rural financing entrepreneurship under the State Program for Increasing Incomes of the Population until 2025. In total, about 40 billion tenges will be allocated for micro crediting residents of villages and small towns this year.

Preferential microcredits can be obtained by residents of rural settlements and small towns in Kazakhstan. Micro credits are issued through direct lending and funding of credit partnerships and microfinance organizations.

According to the terms of the program, the loan amount is:

for the development of animal husbandry

- up to 5 million tenge, for the development of anchor cooperation - up to 12 million tenges;

for other agricultural areas

- up to 6 million tenges, for the development of anchor cooperation - up to 10 million tenges.

The microcredit term is up to 5 years, and for livestock projects - up to 7 years. There is a grace period

- up to 1/3 of the loan term.

The interest rate for direct borrowers, as well as for ultimate borrowers of credit partnerships and microfinance organizations

- is no more than 6% per annum (annual effective interest rate - from 6%).

- It should be recalled that rural entrepreneurs can apply online for a microloan up to 6 million tenges without leaving their homes. For this, you need only access to the Internet. Using the IIN, a farmer can log in and register on the platform, select the purpose of the loan, enter the details of the mortgagor and submit an application. Integration with government and other databases allows you to conduct an online assessment of collateral and send a response on the preliminary approval of the loan within 10 minutes, - said Ruslan Tyulegenov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Agrarian Credit Corporation JSC.

Over the past five years, within the framework of the second direction of the Enbek State Program for the Development of Productive Employment and Mass Entrepreneurship, through the corporation, rural entrepreneurs received 63.5 thousand loans totaling 267.3 billion tenges.

You can get a full consultation on microcredit in the branches of the Agrarian Credit Corporation located in regional centers and cities of republican significance. Contact information is on the website

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