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A meeting of the Board of Directors of JSC "NMH" Baiterek"

A meeting of the Board of Directors of JSC "NMH" Baiterek"

At a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Baiterek National Management Holding JSC, a number of important documents of the Holding were approved, including the Annual Budget for 2021, the adjusted five-year Development Plan and the Sustainable Development Policy.

The Development Plan until 2023 submitted for approval was updated and amended, including in connection with the reorganization of the housing block of the Holding, the updating of forecasts of financial and economic activities and the approval of the Annual Budget for 2021.

The members of the Board of Directors also approved the Baiterek Holding's Sustainable Development Policy. It contains the fundamental norms, principles and approaches that the Holding should adhere to in building a sustainable development management system. In addition, the document establishes such areas of the Holding's sustainable development as promoting sustainable economic development, responsible labor and business practices, and managing its own environmental impact.

Also, at the meeting, the results of activities in 2019 of the subsidiary of the Holding - Export Insurance Company KazakhExport were considered. At the end of last year, the volume of insurance obligations assumed by KazakhExport amounted to 97.1 billion tenge, 42 exporters in 2019 for the first time received support from a subsidiary. The company's assets amounted to 88.2 billion tenge, the net income was 2.36 billion tenge.

The Board of Directors also submitted the Report of the Holding's Internal Audit Service for the III quarter of 2020, the Risk Report for the III quarter of 2020, as well as the Work Plan of the Board of Directors of the Holding for 2021 for consideration and approval by the Board of Directors.

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