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Being the key financial institution for the development of Kazakhstan, Baiterek Holding systematically solves the challenges of digitalizing its activities.
In particular, the Holding’s Digitalization Strategy for 2018-2023 is being implemented, which incorporates six important areas of activities with specific digitalization steps.
One of the recently implemented large-scale digitalization projects is Digital Baiterek (digital.baiterek.gov.kz), which is a single platform for government support measures for small and medium-sized businesses and the housing sector. The launch of this system allowed automating 33 services of the Holding and its subsidiaries out of 43. Business support is also provided through the e-government web-portal.
The Holding’s subsidiaries have also achieved positive results following the implementation of digitalization projects. Due to the internal business processes automation, timelines for the delivery of services have been significantly reduced. In addition, we have replaced provision of paper documents to the maximum extent.
For instance, automation of “Damu” Entrepreneurship Development Fund’s services has allowed reducing the timeframes for entering subsidy agreements from 30 days to 30 minutes, and the review of a guarantee application has been reduced from 15 to 5 working days.
As a result of automating the process for a loan application submission, the Housing Construction Savings Bank has reduced the loan term issuance from 15 days to 1-3 days. The number of required customer visits has been also decreased.
“Baiterek Development” JSC has introduced “Nurly Zher” Situation Center, which allows carrying out remote monitoring of all facilities under construction.
These are just a few examples of digitalization projects. As a result, we are expecting to increase the Holding’s performance, save funds and time, facilitate the access of citizens to our services and ensure transparency for all customer-oriented processes.
“Baiterek” National Managing Holding” JSC was established in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 22, 2013. The key institution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan that complies with the advanced standards of corporate governance and ensures the implementation of the objectives for the sustainable development of the economy of Kazakhstan through its diversification, support for innovation, export development, increase in labor productivity. The Holding includes: Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC, Investment Fund of Kazakhstan JSC, Zhilstroisberbank of Kazakhstan (HCSBK) JSC, Kazakhstan Mortgage Company MO JSC, KazakhExport EIC JSC, Damu EDF JSC, QazTech Ventures JSC, Housing Construction Guarantee Fund JSC, Kazyna Capital Management JSC, Baiterek Development JSC, Kazakhstan Project Preparation Fund LLP.