01/30/2025 16:18:39
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On 20 January 2015, National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan performed state registration of the second issue of bond program and the first issue of bonds under the second bond program of Baiterek NMH JSC.
I. The amount of the second issue of bond program is 145,000,000,000 (one hundred and forty-five billion) tenge. The issue is included in the State Register of issue-grade securities as No.Е87.
The number of bonds issued under the second bond program:
1) The first issue – 92,500,000 (ninety-two million five hundred thousand) pieces to the amount of 92,500,000,000 (ninety-two billion five hundred million) tenge;
2) The second issue – 52,500,000 (fifty-two million five hundred thousand) pieces to the amount of 52,500,000,000 (fifty-two billion five hundred million) tenge;
II. Principal terms of the first issue of bonds under the second bond program:
1. The number of issued bonds and total amount of bonds issue:
1) The number of bonds issued – 92,500,000 (ninety-two million five hundred thousand) pieces;
2) The total amount of bonds issue at par value – 92,500,000,000 (ninety-two billion five hundred million) tenge.
2. Type of bonds: unsecured coupon bonds.
3. Nominal value of one bond is 1,000 (one thousand) tenge.
4. National identification number: KZP01Y30E879.
5. Bonds placement and circulation date: the next business day after the state registration of bonds issue. The maturity is 30 years from the date of circulation of the bonds.
6. Method of bonds placement: during the whole period of circulation by subscription in accordance with the legislation; bonds are not convertible; placement of bonds will be performed by the issuer on a free-standing basis
7. Interest rate on Bonds is fixed for the whole period of circulation and equals 0.1% (zero point one percent) per annum from the nominal value of the bonds. Remuneration is done twice a year at the rate of time-base of 360 days a year and 30 days per month, respectively, every 6 months from the date of placement of bonds each year until maturity.
8. The bonds are redeemed at par value of the bonds in tenge with simultaneous payment by money transfer within 10 working days after the end of circulation period from the maturity date to the current accounts of bond holders registered in the register of bonds at the beginning of the last day of the period for which payments are made on the maturity date of bonds.
9. By the decision of the Holding’s Board of Directors, issuer has a right to redeem all bonds at par value only with the purpose to repay in full and/or redeem a part without right of sale to a third person. In this case, 10 (ten) calendar days before the date of redemption, the issuer brings to bond holder’ notice information about the bonds redemption with the purpose of advanced repayment by sending a corresponding notification. The bonds are redeemed at par value simultaneously with the corresponding repayment of accrued remuneration on bonds.
10. Date of decision on placement: 29 December 2014 (Minutes of the meeting in absentia of the Baiterek NMH JSC’s Board No. 10/14).