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Agrarian Credit Corporation JSC

The company provides concessional financing to agribusinesses by direct crediting. It also finances and co-finances small and medium-sized businesses through credit partnerships, microfinance organizations, regional investment centers, second-tier banks and leasing companies. 

The company has 19 branches located in all regions of Kazakhstan.

The company's mission statement:

The mission of the ACC is to promote the sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan by forming an affordable and effective financing system..


  1. Formation of an accessible and effective financing system.

    • Increasing the coverage of agro-industrial complex subjects with financial services;
    • Development of financing instruments, including the use of digital solutions;
    • Promotion of institutional development of financial institutions in the agro-industrial complex.
  2. Promoting the development of competitive business

    • Support for priority areas in the agro-industrial complex;
    • Promoting technological renewal in the agro-industrial complex;
  3. Improving operational efficiency

    • Operational improvement;
    • Ensuring financial sustainability;
    • Improving the quality and transparency of corporate governance.
In December 2021, Agrarian Credit Corporation JSC, as part of the merger with the Financial Support Fund for Agriculture JSC, took over the functions of lending to microbusinesses and an operator in the field of insurance in the agro-industrial complex.

KazAgroFinance JSC

As part of the execution of the order of the Head of State, the Holding transferred 100% of the shares of KazAgroFinance JSC to Agrarian Credit Corporation JSC on July 25, 2022.

For the implementation of the statutory goals, the company provides services for the purchase of agricultural machinery and equipment in leasing.

The company has 15 branches located in all regions of Kazakhstan.

The company's mission:

Promoting the technical equipment of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan by providing high-quality and competitive leasing services.


  1. To increase technical equipment and export potential in agriculture

    • To increase investment volumes in agricultural machinery leasing
    • To promote the development of export potential and labor productivity in the agricultural sector
    • To improve the quality and level of accessibility of leasing services
  2. To increase profitability of activities

    • To improve the efficiency of equity and asset management
    • To improve the quality of the loan portfolio and improving the monitoring system for financed projects.
  3. Corporate Development

    • To improve the corporate governance system and increasing transparency of activities
    • To improve the risk management and internal control system
    • To implementate of sustainable development principles

Baiterek Holding: affordable loans, business support and agribusiness development

Nurbolat Aidapkelov, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC "NUH "Baiterek", gave an interview on the results of the financing of the agro-industrial complex for the first half of 2023.

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