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Baiterek Holding's approach to sustainable development

As a key governmental financial institution, Baiterek Holding recognizes its impact on Kazakhstan’s economy, environment, and society. It strives to ensure long-term sustainable development and maintain a balance of stakeholders’ interests.

The Holding’s sustainable development is a set of principles and obligations that the Holding is guided by, namely:

  • stakeholder engagement management;

  • national economics, social and environmental impact assessment and management.

The Holding consolidates its economic, environmental, and social goals to ensure long-term sustainable development.

Up-to-date information can be found in the Holding Company's annual Sustainability Reports in the relevant section.

The Holding’s Sustainable Development Policy

The Holding’s Human Rights Policy

Independent review (second-party opinion)

Economic component Environmental component Social component
  • maintaining the solvency of the Holding and its subsidiaries;
  • ensuring the interests of shareholders and investors;
  • increasing the efficiency of the work process;
  • increasing investment in the development of up-to-date technologies;
  • increasing labor productivity;
  • creating new jobs;
  • increasing the export of non-resource sectors;
  • ensuring the growth of the manufacturing industry.
  • minimizing the impact on biological and physical natural systems;
  • reasonable use of scarce resources;
  • use of environmentally friendly, energy and material saving technologies.
  • ensuring healthy competition and equal employment opportunities;
  • fair remuneration and respect for workers' rights;
  • ensuring labor safety and preserving the health of employees;
  • training and professional development of employees;
  • implementation of internal and external social programs.

The Holding approved the Stakeholders Map, developed in accordance with the Corporate Governance Code and the Holding's Sustainable Development Policy, which allows to improve the business reputation of the business, the company's capitalization, to establish effective and balanced relations with all stakeholders.

Building interaction with stakeholders, the Holding is guided by the following basic principles:

  • showing respect for the interests of all parties;
  • providing information about the Holding’s activities to the target audience;
  • ensuring objectivity, reliability, independence, and a high level of information transparency in the implementation of government programs, individual internal procedures (procurement, personnel selection, provision of financial and non-financial services), and the use of financial resources;
  • ensuring open and productive cooperation with all stakeholders;
  • fulfilling obligations to all interested parties;
  • receiving regular feedback from stakeholders.

Up-to-date information on corporate development, including the Stakeholder Engagement Strategy Implementation Report, can be found in the relevant section

The Holding has joined the United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact) to the National ESG Club, and is also a signatory to the One Belt, One Road Green Investment Principles (GIP), the UN Women Empowerment Principles initiative

At the same time, a key tool for assessing the effectiveness of integrating ESG issues into the company's activities is the ESG rating. Based on the 2024 evaluation results, the international rating agency Sustainable Fitch confirmed the Holding's ESG rating at level "3" and raised its score from "57" (in 2023) to "59".

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The Holding’s sustainable development management is an integral part of the Holding’s general management system..

The Holding’s Board of Directors exercises strategic management and control over the implementation of the sustainable development strategy. The Strategic Planning Committee under the Holding’s Board of Directors annually considers the issues of sustainable development.

The Holding’s Management Board approves the action plan for sustainable development. The Strategy and Corporate Development Committee under the Holding's Management Board coordinates activities in the field of sustainable development.

The Holding’s structural divisions take measures to achieve efficiency in sustainable development.

The Holding’s structural divisions implement measures in the field of sustainable development, ensuring the achievement of efficiency in this sphere. In accordance with the approved Holding’s action plan for the sustainable development for 2022-2023, a number of measures have been implemented both within the framework of the Holding's project activities and within the framework of administrative and economic activities, including:

- A unified database of “green” projects of the Holding's POs (including social projects) was formed;

- The Holding Company's Environmental and Social Policy was updated;

- Together with the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB), a Competence Center was held with interested employees of the Holding POs on the topic “Discussion of the currency market, securities market, ESG development and sustainable development projects, forecast for 2024”;

- At the end of 2023, a report on the implementation of the UN initiative “Women Empowerment Principles/Women Empowerment Principles (WEP)” was prepared and included in the Holding Company's 2022 Sustainability Report;

In 2023, a number of activities to implement elements of the Green Office were also realized, such as:

- Transferred 938 kg of waste paper (526 kg of cardboard and 412 kg of paper) for recycling.

- Certificates of environmental management and occupational health and safety (ST RK ISO 45001-2019, ST RK ISO 14001) were obtained.

- 500 pens made of ecological materials were purchased.

- A promotional environmental calendar was developed to raise environmental awareness of the Holding Company's employees, where the main international and global environmental dates are presented.

- On the 1st floor of the business center there is a box for things where you can bring your belongings for further transfer to charitable foundations and low-income families.

- A fandomat for accepting aluminum cans and plastic bottles was installed.

- A box for food for further transfer to a shelter for homeless animals was installed. 

- Environmental actions among the employees were held: clean-up day, “Day without cars”. 

- Certificates of ST RK ISO 14001-2016 (ISO 14001:2015) “Environmental Management Systems” and ST RK ISO 45001-2019 (ISO 45001:2018) “Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems” were obtained.

In 2024, the Holding Company has planned a number of sustainable development activities, including:
1. updating the unified database of green projects of POs of the Holding (including social projects) in accordance with the main directions of implementation of green projects defined in the environmental and social policy of the Holding and the taxonomy of green projects, broken down by sectors (including energy, agro-industrial complex, housing block, etc.), financing volume, environmental and social effects;
2. work to maintain an international rating in the field of sustainable development;
3. development by the Holding and its subsidiaries and affiliates of a methodology for calculating CO2 emissions (impacts 1, 2, 3);
4. confirmation of environmental management and occupational health and safety certificates (ST RK ISO 45001-2019, ST RK ISO 14001) and conducting training for the Holding Company's employees on the requirements of these standards;
5. keeping records of transferred waste paper and purchasing office supplies made of environmentally friendly materials.

Report on the implementation of the Action Plan for Sustainable Development of Baiterek NMH JSC for 2022

Report on the implementation of the Action Plan for Sustainable Development of Baiterek NMH JSC for 2021

Report on the implementation of the Action Plan for Sustainable Development of Baiterek NMH JSC for 2020


     On 16 April 2024, Baiterek National Management Holding joined the United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact), the largest international initiative to engage business in sustainable development globally. This confirms Baiterek's commitment to the ten universal principles of the Global Compact, including respect for human rights, support for the best labour standards, pursuit of environmental sustainability and active opposition to corruption.

   1. In the area of human rights protection:

  • The Holding ensures and respects the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights;

  • Holding ensures non-involvement in human rights violations.

2. In the area of labor relations:

  • Holding supports and recognizes the right to collective bargaining;

  • Holding promotes the elimination of forced and child labor, discrimination in labor and employment.

3. In the field of environmental protection:

  • Holding supports a precautionary approach to environmental issues;

  • The Holding undertakes initiatives aimed at increasing responsibility for the environment;

  • Holding promotes the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies.

4. In the area of anti-corruption:

  • The Holding Company declares zero tolerance for all forms of corruption and other illegal actions, including extortion and bribery

     The UN Global Compact brings together more than 20,000 companies and organisations from 160 countries and fosters a strong international partnership between business and the public sector. Participation in this initiative gives Baiterek the opportunity to share experiences and learn from world leaders in sustainable development.


Also on April 29, 2024, the Holding Company joined the ranks of signatories to the “One Belt, One Road” Green Investment Principles (GIP). The GIP is a set of principles for greening Belt and Road investments. It includes seven principles at three levels: strategy, operations and innovation. 
Principle 1: Embed sustainability into corporate governance;
Principle 2: Understanding environmental, social and governance risks;
Principle 3: Disclosure of environmental information;
Principle 4: Improve communication with stakeholders;
Principle 5: Use of green financial instruments;
Principle 6: Implement green supply chain management;
Principle 7: Build capacity through collective action.

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