
07/16/2024 16:46:00

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Launched the second second stage of the program “Bakytty Otbasy”

Launched the second second stage of the program “Bakytty Otbasy”

Дthe in-house organization of "Baiterek" holding - Zhilstroysberbank launched the second phase of the pre-empted program “Bakytty Otbasy”.


At the moment, Housing Construction Savings Bank has helped solve the housing problem of 4,862 Kazakhstani families under the “Bakytty Otbasy” program. Another 261 families received positive decisions on loan applications and are now in search of their housing. Of the 4,862 loans already issued, 1,768 large families, 2,408 single-parent families and 686 families raising children with disabilities took advantage of preferential loans. In addition to this, the HCSB, in the framework of the Almaty city program “Bakytty Otbasy”, helped 284 large families to acquire their housing in Almaty at affordable prices. Thus, Housing Construction Savings Bank disbursed funds in the amount of 50 billion tenge allocated to it in 2019 for soft loans to low-income families.


This year, the limit of funds allocated from the budget was doubled for them. It is already 100 billion tenge. This means that about 10,000 families will be able to get affordable loans.


Yesterday, at a meeting of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, it was decided to allocate a budget loan to the HCSB under the program “Bakytty Otbasy” in the amount of the first 50 billion tenge. The second tranche of 50 billion tenge will be allocated in the second half of 2020. Acceptance of loan applications in 2020 under the program “Bakytty Otbasy” will begin on March 11.


- According to our estimates, the current participants of the “Bakytty Otbasy” program bring up a total of 14,000 children and now they all have the opportunity to live in their own apartment or house, go to a nearby school, do warmth and comfort in homework, have their own rest room and games. And this year we continue to implement this important social program. All lending conditions on it are saved. It is necessary to apply to the bank already with a referral from the local akimat. The loan rate remains the same - 2% per annum in the presence of a down payment of 10%. The only thing that changes in 2020 is the maximum income. Now it is calculated as the cost of living. And according to the rules, in order to receive a soft loan, the income per family member for the last six months should not exceed two living wages per month or 62 366 tenge. Thus, families that have not previously met by this criterion have a chance to celebrate a housewarming this year, - explained the head of Housing Construction Savings Bank Lyazzat Ibragimova.


According to “Bakytty Otbasy” you can buy an apartment in both the primary and secondary markets or buy a private house. The maximum loan amount in the cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty, Shymkent, Aktau, Atyrau is 15 million tenge, in other regions 10 million tenge.

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