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Housing Construction Savings Bank starts accepting applications under the Shanyrak program "5-10-20"

Housing Construction Savings Bank starts accepting applications under the Shanyrak program "5-10-20"

The Shanyrak pilot project is a new direction of the Nurly Zher program, the main operator of which is Housing Construction Savings Bank (a subsidiary of the Baiterek holding). The project was developed according to the instructions of the Head of State in order to provide Kazakhstanis with profitable loans for the purchase of their own housing.

- This year it is planned to allocate 210 billion tenge from the state budget for the implementation of the Shanyrak pilot project. The first part of funds in the amount of 90 billion tenge has already been directed to the House Construction Savings Bank. Within the framework of this budget, we plan to provide about 7-8 thousand Kazakh families with affordable housing. To get a loan at 5% per annum (GESV 5.2%), program participants must be on the waiting list of the akimat, have a minimum down payment of 10% of the loan amount on their account with Housing Construction Savings Bank. The loan term is up to 20 years, - said Lyazzat Ibragimova, Chairperson of the Board of House Construction Savings Bank of Kazakhstan JSC.

Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who are registered with local executive bodies (LEBs) from 1986 to 2010 inclusively, as needing housing, will be able to apply for a soft loan under the Shanyrak project. Upon the expiry of the deadline for accepting applications, if the Bank has funds for lending within the Shanyrak project, at the second stage, the waiting list of LEBs registered in subsequent years may be invited to participate. Also, to participate, you need to have family income from labor and (or) entrepreneurial activity (excluding pension contributions, individual income tax and other mandatory contributions) for the last 6 (six) months for each family member up to 3.1 times the minimum subsistence level (PM, from April 1, 2020 - 32 668 tenge) per month. That is, the amount of income per family member in 2020 should not exceed 101,271 tenge.

Housing under this program can be purchased only on the primary market: loan housing by the local executive authorities, being built under the project "5-10-20", as well as from private developers (including those who have a guarantee from the Housing Construction Guarantee Fund JSC).

The list of construction companies from which you can buy an apartment under the Shakhyrak program can be downloaded on the website.

For credit housing, built by akimats, the following price parameters for 1 sq. M were approved: Almaty - up to 240 thousand tenge, Nur-Sultan - up to 220 thousand tenge, Shymkent and the suburb of Almaty - up to 200 thousand, Aktobe, Atyrau, Aktau, Turkestan, Karaganda and Karaganda region - up to 180 thousand, and in other regions - up to 160 thousand tenge.

When purchasing housing from private developers: in Almaty and Nur-Sultan, the maximum loan amount is 18 million tenge, in Atyrau, Aktau, Aktobe, Shymkent, Turkestan, Karaganda and Karaganda region - no more than 15 million tenge, for other regions - not more than 12 million tenge.

Applications for participation and assessment of solvency from those on the waiting list of akimats are accepted only through the website, both from customers of Housing Construction Savings Bank and from those who are not yet a client of HCSB.

The deadline for applications is from 17 August to 16 September 2020.

6 steps to participate:

Step 1: Submit an electronic application on the Bank's website in the section "Affordable Housing" / Pilot project "Shanyrak";

Step 2: Within three days from the date of submission of the application on the Bank's website, accept a call from a Bank employee who will advise in detail on the terms of lending, program requirements and write to the Bank branch to submit an application

Step 3: Come at the appointed time to the Bank branch with a package of documents for assessing solvency;

Step 4: Receive a positive decision from the Bank to approve the loan;

Step 5: Find primary housing from private developers (including those with a guarantee of the Housing Construction Guarantee Fund JSC) that meets the requirements of the Bank, and conclude a purchase and sale agreement or an equity participation agreement;

Step 6: Get a loan from the Bank!

Issuance of a loan is possible if the Applicant has housing construction savings in the savings account in the amount of at least 10% of the loan amount.

The date of registration as an LEB queue can be checked on the website or at the local executive body.


Housing Construction Savings Bank of Kazakhstan JSC is the only bank in the country that implements a system of housing construction savings. The bank is a member of the European Federation of Building Savings Banks (EFSSK) and the International Union for Housing Finance. The only shareholder of Housing Construction Savings Bank is Baiterek National Managing Holding JSC.

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