
07/16/2024 16:46:00

Baiterek Holding and Citigroup Inc. explore potential cooperation


Government considers Baiterek Holding’s development plan for 2017-2021

Government considers Baiterek Holding’s development plan for 2017-2021

September 20 in Ukimet Uyi the Prime Minister Bakytzhan Sagintayev chaired a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of JSC Baiterek National Managing Holding.

At the meeting, the Baiterek Holding’s development plan for 2017-2021 taking into account new issues related to the construction of the Saryarka main gas pipeline, implementation of the Nurly Zher State Program, introduction of the product “Askeri Ipoteka” within the framework of the Law on Housing Relations, activation of Kazakh Export Insurance Company’s work and others was considered.

The board of directors approved a new version of the Investment Policy of the Baiterek Holding, in accordance with which the investment activity of the holding and its subsidiaries is aimed at prioritizing the provided support measures for projects of high social and economic importance, including in accordance with state development programs.

Also, the participants of the meeting considered the concept of the program "Leaders of Competitiveness — National Champions 2.0" and defined the terms of the third bond issue within the fourth bond program of JSC Baiterek Holding.


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