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Baiterek Holding Has Taken Part in the Expanded Meeting of Qaraghandy Oblast Akimat

Baiterek Holding Has Taken Part in the Expanded Meeting of Qaraghandy Oblast Akimat

The top management representatives of the largest development institutions of Kazakhstan, headed by the Chairman of the Board of “Baiterek” National Managing Holding” JSC, Aidar Arifkhanov, had a meeting with entrepreneurs and representatives of local executive authorities of Qaraghandy Oblast. The meeting in the oblast akimat was held by the Akim of the region, Zhenis Qassymbek.


The Head of Baiterek Holding introduced the heads of subsidiary organizations: “Housing Construction Savings Bank of Kazakhstan” JSC, “Kazakhstan Mortgage Company” JSC (KMC), “Development Bank of Kazakhstan” JSC (DBK), “Damu” Entrepreneurship Development Fund” JSC, “QazTech Ventures” JSC, “KazakhExport” JSC.




Further, A. Arifkhanov spoke about the activities of the Holding, which is the country’s main financial institution, established in 2013 and implementing public and government programs.


- Baiterek Holding has 11 subsidiaries in its structure that offer a wide range of tools to support entrepreneurs: ranging from the investment phase to finished products exports support; from interest rates subsidizing to loans guaranteeing. It also contributes to the preparation of project documentation, project expertise and assists in finding a partner, - Aidar Arifkhanov emphasized.


In the course of the meeting, issues of housing construction and support for entrepreneurs have been discussed.


Zhenis Qassymbek has beneficially characterized the KMC’s program for the provision of rental housing to doctors and teachers. Adil Mukhamedzhanov, the Chairman of the Board at the KMC, suggested that the Akim should enter into the Memorandum, on the basis of which the company will be able to provide 200 apartments in new buildings to doctors and teachers.


- This is a great support. I am in favor of this memorandum with both hands. Let us sign it, since the conditions are very good. Two-room apartments in new buildings have an area of up to 70 square meters each. It turns out that it is more cost-efficient to purchase an apartment under this program than to pay for a rented one. In addition, within the framework of the Memorandum, accommodation will become the property of the tenant upon expiration of the term, - said Zhenis Qassymbek.




In her turn, the Chairman of the Board of the Housing Construction Savings Bank of Kazakhstan, Lyazzat Ibragimova, informed that Qaraghandy Oblast is one of the leaders in terms of the number of depositors in the HCSBK. For instance, 97,636 people have their deposits in Qaraghandy. 5,810 people have deposits in Temirtau, 8,473 people – in Jezqazghan, and there are more than 5 thousand depositors in Satpayev and Balqash.


During the meeting, issues of small, medium and large-sized businesses development, as well as measures for activities intensification in regard to investment attraction and the region’s export potential development have been discussed.


Thus, the top management representatives of the Holding’s companies told the entrepreneurs in detail about public support measures and the types of soft lending for business development and implementation of their projects they might have.


Gaukhar Buribayeva, the Chairman of the Board of Damu Fund, informed about the implementation of programs in Qaraghandy Oblast.


- The role of small and medium-sized businesses is determined by its contribution to the gross domestic product of the region. Thus, according to the results of the 1st quarter of 2019, Qaraghandy Oblast takes the 4th place in terms of the contribution of SMEs to GRP, which amounts to 954.7 billion tenge. There are over 88 thousand representatives of small and medium-sized businesses carrying out their activities in the region, providing more than 236 thousand jobs. Damu Fund has supported 550 projects just in three cities: Jezqazghan, Satpayev and Balqash - she noted.


The Development Bank’s support for the development of the large-scale projects such as the expansion of the Qaraghandy HES-3, the construction of a mining and processing plant and a ferrosilicon plant, plays an important role for the region’s economy.


- However, we are not planning to stop on what has been achieved. Today, the Bank is considering the opportunity for financing of five investment projects, - noted the Head of the Bank, Abai Sarkulov.


In addition, the Head of KazakhExport, Ruslan Iskakov, noted that this platform will serve to establish a direct dialogue between development institutions and the region’s authorities in the field of industry, enabling implementation of the export potential for bringing goods and services produced in Qaraghandy Oblast to foreign markets.


The Chairman of the Board of “QazTech Ventures” JSC, Zhandos Shaimardanov, presented his support tools. According to him, the company is engaged in supporting business incubation, developing venture financing, as well as providing expert and engineering support. Over the next five years, QazTech Ventures is planning to create at least one venture capital fund annually, which will be supporting technology-based startups.




In conclusion, the top management of Baiterek Holding’s group of companies answered questions from the meeting participants.


Photos have been provided by the Press Service of Qaraghandy Oblast Akimat

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