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Today, Baiterek National Management Holding hosted an awards ceremony to recognize the achievements of employees from the Holding and its subsidiaries in celebration of Republic Day.
Chairman of the Board Rustam Karagoishin congratulated all attendees and highlighted the significance of Republic Day for Kazakhstan. He also acknowledged each employee's vital role in the Holding’s success.
“Republic Day is a meaningful celebration that symbolizes the unity and prosperity of our nation. We are proud of our employees, whose dedication and hard work contribute to the growth and strength of our state. Thank you for your professionalism and commitment,” Karagoishin remarked.
During the ceremony, employees were honored with various awards, including letters of appreciation from the Prime Minister, certificates of honor, and commendations from the Ministry of National Economy. Additionally, the Yenbek Ardageri medal and letters of appreciation from the Ministry of Industry and Construction, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, and the Chairman of the Board were presented.
The following individuals were presented with letters of appreciation from the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan in recognition of their dedicated service to the nation:
1. |
Director of the Risk Management Department at Export Credit Agency of Kazakhstan |
Leila Galymzhanovna Shabarbaeva |
2. |
Deputy Corporate Secretary and Head of the Corporate Secretary Service at Baiterek Holding |
Ardak Kaisaruly Zhumagaliev |
3. |
Chief Monitoring Manager at the Kostanay regional branch of Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund |
Bagdad Bakitzhanovich Darmenov |
4. |
Chief Manager of the Investment Department at Baiterek Venture Fund |
Ruslan Maratuly Abdulbakiev |
5. |
Deputy Director of the Payment Processing Department at Kazakhstan Housing Company |
Aikerim Malikovna Boltaeva |
6. |
Director of the Almaty branch of Agrarian Credit Corporation |
Oleg Vasilievich Rabchenyuk |
7. |
Director of the Legal Support Department at KazAgroFinance |
Zhanibek Shaimerdenovich Ismailov |
8. |
Director of the Credit Administration Department at Development Bank of Kazakhstan |
Raushan Khafizbekovna Shalaganova |
9. |
Director of the Information Technology Department at Industrial Development Fund |
Akan Aralovich Khamzabaev |
10. |
Director of the Sales and Rural Development Department at Otbasy Bank |
The following individuals were awarded the Enbek Ardageri medal by the Ministry of National Economy:
1. |
Chief Manager of the Collateral Assessment Department at Development Bank of Kazakhstan |
Kalia Karabaevna Tursumbaeva |
2. |
Leading specialist of the Project Monitoring Department at Kazakhstan Housing Company |
Valentina Matveevna Yarkova |
3. |
Manager of the HR Department at Agrarian Credit Corporation |
Gulnara Seilkhanovna Kaliyeva |
The following individuals were awarded the Kurmetti Kurlysshy medal by the Ministry of Industry and Construction:
1. |
Specialist of the Project Monitoring Department at Kazakhstan Housing Company |
Kazbek Alikhanuly Amanbay |
2. |
Leading specialist of the Real Estate Management Department at Kazakhstan Housing Company |
Turebek Asylbekovich Makhambetov |
The following individuals were awarded a letter of appreciation from the Minister of Industry and Construction:
1. |
Leading specialist of the Technical Expertise Department at Kazakhstan Housing Company |
Murat Sandybekovich Iskuzhin |
The following individuals were awarded the Certificate of Honor by the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of National Economy:
1. |
Leading specialist of the Information and Communication Technologies Department at Kazakhstan Housing Company |
Baurzhan Seisembaevich Mombekov |
2. |
Manager of the Logistics and Customs Procedures Department of the Asset Analysis Department at KazAgroFinance |
Agerke Suindikovna Kokkuzova
3. |
Director of the Operations Department at Development Bank of Kazakhstan |
Ainur Ramazanovna Nurgaliyeva
4. |
First category specialist of the Business Development Department at the Mangistau regional branch of Otbasy Bank |
Adilkhan Temirzhanovich Gaisin |
The following individuals were awarded a letter of appreciation from the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of National Economy:
1. |
Chief Manager for Financial Support at the Kyzylorda regional branch of Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund |
Indira Kenshilikovna Suleimenova |
2. |
Chief Manager of the Business Processes Department at Development Bank of Kazakhstan |
Gulsara Amanbaevna Zakarina |
3. |
Senior Banker of the Client Relations Directorate at Development Bank of Kazakhstan |
Tulegen Muratovich Karenov |
4. |
First category specialist of the Business Development Department at the East Kazakhstan regional branch of Otbasy Bank |
Erlan Socialovich Daniyarov |
The following individuals were awarded Certificates of Honor from the Minister of Labor and Social Protection for their contributions to supporting the nation’s sustainable economic development through the implementation of ESG principles in social protection and efforts to ensure comfortable working conditions:
Head of the Personnel Development Department at Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund |
Anar Karimgalievna Madieva |
Director of the HR Department at Kazakhstan Housing Company |
Saltanat Tursunbekovna Ibragimova |
Managing director of Qazaqstan Investment Corporation |
Rustem Torehanovich Madiyev |
Business Partner of the HR Department at Baiterek Holding |
Zhanna Zhakinovna Temergalieva |
Deputy Director of the HR Department at Export Credit Agency of Kazakhstan |
Anel Sarzhanova |
Chief Specialist of the Documentation Support Service at Baiterek Holding |
Ayim Bekbaulovna Nukenova |
Chief Manager of the Strategy and Corporate Development Department at Baiterek Holding |
Leading Specialist of the Activity Support Department at Kazakhstan Housing Company |
Konstantin Anatolyevich Ogai |
Leading specialist of the HR Department at Kazakhstan Housing Company |
Maral Nygymetovna Karpykbaeva |
Chief Specialist of the HR Department at Kazakhstan Housing Company |
Aigul Askarovna Ilyasova |
Chief Manager of the HR Department at Qazaqstan Investment Corporation |
Gulnur Maratkyzy |
Chief Manager of the Operations Department at Qazaqstan Investment Corporation |
Gulnaray Zeinulyevna Kuzenbaeva |
The following individuals were awarded a letter of appreciation by the Chairman of the Board of Baiterek Holding for their significant contribution to the development of the nation’s economy:
Director of the Risk Management Department at Baiterek Holding |
Gauhar Galiaskarovna Abilkasova |
Chief Manager of the Legal Support Department at Baiterek Holding |
Leading Specialist of the regional sector of the Real Estate Management Department at Kazakhstan Housing Company |
Saule Erkenovna Khamzina |
Chief Manager of the Insurance and Guarantees Department at Export Credit Agency of Kazakhstan |
Altyngul Zhailybaevna Tulegenova |
Deputy Director and Chief Accountant at Export Credit Agency of Kazakhstan |
Gauhar Kirgizbaevna Ernazarova |
Archivist at Export Credit Agency of Kazakhstan |
Kymbat Kusainovna Dzhapekova |
Chief Manager of the Monitoring Department at Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund |
Arnur Askarzhanovich Razbekov |
Chief Program Promotion Manager at the Pavlodar regional branch of Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund |
Madina Edilevna Badenova |
Head of Business Development Department at the Almaty branch of Otbasy Bank |
Kamshat Bolatbekovna Onalbaeva |
First category specialist of the Business Development Department at the central office of Otbasy Bank |
Markhabat Tasymkhankyzy Synasapova |
Corporate Secretary at Qazaqstan Investment Corporation |
Zhamilia Daurenkyzy Izzhanova |
Head of the Problem Loans and Legal Support Department at the Atyrau regional branch of Agrarian Credit Corporation |
Nurshat Klinovna Ibraeva |
Chief Specialist for Credit Partner Relations at the Zhambyl regional branch of Agrarian Credit Corporation |
Rashid Berikkazievich Tobataev |
Mechanical Engineer at the Kostanay regional branch of KazAgroFinance |
Temirlan Idiyatovich Birzhanov |
Director of the Funds Creation and International Cooperation Department at Development Bank of Kazakhstan |
Adina Berikkyzy |
Chief Lawyer of the Legal Support Department at Development Bank of Kazakhstan |
Andrey Yuryevich Ryzhakov |
Chief Manager of Operational Risk Management Department at Development Bank of Kazakhstan |
Dana Boranbaevna Serikova |
Director of the Administrative Support Department at Industrial Development Fund |
Nurmukhanbaet Shaizadaevich Makhanov |
Chief Manager of the Captive Funds Department at Qazaqstan Investment Corporation |
Adilbek Zhanbyrbaevich Tokaev |
Head of the Legal Department at Agrarian Credit Corporation |
Erlan Raushanbekovich Salmanov |
Baiterek Holding extends its gratitude to all employees for their contributions to the nation's economic growth and wishes them continued success and accomplishments in advancing Kazakhstan's prosperity.