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On November 9, 2023, a presentation was held to unveil the findings of a study titled "The Role of Trade Unions in Safeguarding Workers' Rights from a Public Perspective." This study was conducted by the research team at the Eurasian Center for People Management (ecpm.kz) with the support of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.
– Our commitment to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles is unwavering. We consider our employees as our most valuable asset and resource. The success of our operations is directly tied to the professionalism and safety of our workforce. Therefore, labor protection, employee well-being, development, and the cultivation of a strong corporate culture are of paramount importance to both the holding and its subsidiaries, – stated Dina Akrachkova, Chief of Staff at Baiterek Holding.
Experts from Baiterek Holding also shared their experiences in enhancing and safeguarding human resources, integrating ESG into corporate governance, and transitioning to digital methods for personnel management.
– One significant challenge in Kazakhstan is that, despite one-third of the population being involved in wage labor, the culture of protecting workers' rights in the country is still in its infancy, – said Erbol Ismailov, the General Director of the Eurasian Center for People Management.
When discussing the future of trade unions, the experts expressed confidence that digitalization holds the key. They pointed out that digital technologies and social networks present both a challenge and an opportunity for traditional trade union operations. These technologies offer new avenues for addressing labor rights violations and raising awareness among workers. By embracing the online sphere, trade unions can become more agile, transparent, and thereby regain the trust of workers, ultimately increasing their relevance in safeguarding labor rights.