
07/16/2024 16:46:00

Baiterek Holding and Citigroup Inc. explore potential cooperation


Aidar Arifkhanov Has Created a Blog on the Open Dialog Platform

Aidar Arifkhanov Has Created a Blog on the Open Dialog Platform

The Chairman of the Board of “Baiterek” NMH” JSC, Aidar Arifkhanov, has created his personal blog on the Open Dialog Internet portal of the e-government within the implementation of the “Well-Being for Everyone! Continuity. Justice. Progress” election program of the President of the country Q. Toqayev.


“Baiterek” Holding was established to effectively manage development institutions and financial organizations, to contribute to the sustainable development of Kazakhstan’s economy through its diversification, innovations support, exports development, and increase in labor productivity.


Currently, Baiterek is implementing public and government programs, such as the Plan of the Nation, Nurly Zher, Nurly Zhol, State Program for Industrial and Innovative Development, and Business Roadmap 2020.


The Holding includes 11 subsidiaries, each of which fulfills its role in the economy of our country.


Questions and suggestions can be sent to the Head of Baiterek Holding using the following link -


The Open Dialog portal is a platform for establishing effective feedback between government authorities and the public. Its goal is to provide citizens with the opportunity to interact with the government through portal tools.


The procedure for inquiries submission and review on the blog platform of the heads of public bodies is stipulated by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the Access to Information”. According to Clause 5 of Article 11 of this Law, inquiries received to a blog platform are equivalent to written inquiries. Such inquiry does not require to be signed provided that there is an account registered on the electronic government portal and a subscriber number is connected to it.


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