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Request for expression of interest for the public-private partnership project «Modernization and technical upgrading of Kazakh checkpoints at customs border of Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union»

Request for expression of interest for the public-private partnership project «Modernization and technical upgrading of Kazakh checkpoints at customs border of Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union»

Currently, Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan in cooperation with State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the RK (hereinafter – the Committee) are conducting preparatory works for the implementation of the project of public-private partnership (hereinafter – PPP) «Modernization and technical upgrading of Kazakhstan checkpoints at customs border of Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union». 

The project aims to modernize and upgrade current Kazakh checkpoints at the customs border. The purpose of this project is to adjust and equip Kazakh checkpoints in accordance with modern requirements, which will allow to:


- increase the capacity of the checkpoints, and the number of vehicle servicing and turnover; 
- introduce modern technologies of control, communication, data transmission and exchange; 
- provide border points with the newest equipment for the control of individuals, baggage, products and vehicles.

In order to attract business entities to the PPP project planning and increase the transparency of the planning process, the Committee has formed a «request for expression of interest».

In case of interest, we ask to provide the following information:


1) company details (name, date of establishment, form of ownership, main activity, experience); 
2) name of the facilities (from the annexed list) that interested you; 
3) for candidacies for inclusion in the project team (not more than one representative of the company), specifying surname, name, patronymic and position.

About the project team

In accordance with s. 9 of the Regulation approved by the acting Minister of National Economy of the RK of November 25, 2015 No. 725, the Committee is planning to create interdepartmental project team by attracting subordinate organizations, independent experts, interested project, engineering and other companies and authorized state bodies, representatives of “Atameken” National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, business entities as well as consultants.

The goal of the project team will be to develop proposals on various issues related to the implementation of the PPP project. Proposals of the project team will be taken into account during development of the project documentation (PPP project concept, tender documentation, PPP draft treaties, etc.).

Proposals are accepted until November 15, 2017 (inclusively) at the following address: 

SI «State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan», Astana, Pobeda ave., 11 office. ______, with duplication of information by e-mail:  (in scanned form).

PPP project description

It is planned to transfer 10 motor vehicle and 1 rail checkpoints to the management of private partners with reconstruction and upgrading of technological customs equipment, ensuring long-term maintenance (10-20 years).   


1. «Maikapshagai» checkpoint (residential area: Maikapshagai settlement, Zaisan district, East Kazakhstan Region). 
2. «Bakhty» checkpoint (residential area: Bakhty settlement, Urzhar district, East Kazakhstan District). 
3. «Kazygurt» checkpoint (residential area: Zhemisty settlement, Saryagash district, South Kazakhstan Region). 
4. «Kaplanbek» checkpoint (residential area: Saryagash, Saryagash district, South Kazakhstan Region).  
5. «Zhibek Zholy» checkpoint (residential area: Zhibek Zholy settlement, Saryagash district, South Kazakhstan Region). 
6. «Atameken» checkpoint (residential area: Zhambyl settlement, Makhtaaral district, South Kazakhstan Region). 
7. «Alakol» checkpoint (residential area: Alacol settlement, Alakol district, Almaty region). 
8. «Kalzhat» checkpoint (residential area: Kalzhat settlement, Uighur district, Almaty region). 
9. «Tazhen» checkpoint (residential area: Tazhen settlement, Beyneu district, Mangystau region). 
10. «Temir baba» checkpoint (residential area: Temir baba area, Karakiya district, Mangystau region). 
11. Main dispatch control of the State Revenue Committee of the MF RK.


Modernization of the checkpoints along the border perimeter using new technologies and equipment will allow to accelerate processes of control over goods and vehicles and will extremely decrease the time of border crossing, which in turn will increase the capacity of the border points.

The implementation of the project will help increase the commodity turnover and transit potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan – creation of favorable conditions for participants of foreign economic activities (availability of the sufficient amount of traffic lines for each type of transport, automation of control operations and accelerated crossing of checkpoints, banks, equipped parking lots,  medical and catering services) will have a positive effect on the choice of crossing points in order to transport goods along the most profitable route.

Current status

Infrastructure of current motor vehicle checkpoints is mainly aimed at customs clearance in accordance with customs transit procedure and it does not allow to perform full customs control with customs clearance, due to lack of storage  facilities, handling machinery and so on. 

Given the current situation at the checkpoints, it is impossible to provide a complex of logistics services for the processing of freight traffic and other additional services.

Currently, in order to develop the PPP project, the data is being collected, which will determine the project cost, volume of investments, technical and operational requirements for the management and operation of checkpoints, terms of operation and the amount of annual funding for maintenance and management, as well as commercial draft of the project.

It is assumed that the determination of private partners will be carried through tenders with possible division of facilities into lots (number of lots will be determined in PPP project concept and tender documentation).


The total volume of investments according to the preliminary estimates of the Committee is 120.8 billion tenge.

Estimated capacity

The capacity of customs checkpoints:

- 500 thousand trucks and motor vehicles per year; 
- passenger flow – 1000 people/day.

Project implementation period

Modernization and upgrading – 2 years 
Operation and management - 10-20 years



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