01/30/2025 16:18:39
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Maecenas rhoncus vehicula sollicitudin. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis tincidunt orci ut dui consequat rhoncus. Pellentesque pharetra tristique arcu, non mollis dolor commodo vel. Vivamus sit amet odio a nunc placerat tempus. Phasellus convallis volutpat elit et efficitur.
Loan Agreement No. 174 was signed on September 19, 2017 between Joint Stock Company National Managing Holding "Baiterek" and Joint-Stock Company Baiterek Development on funds providing of the National Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Subject of transaction: to provide loan funds of the National Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the borrower on the terms and in accordance with the procedure under the Agreement.
Decision of the Board of Directors (No. 07/17) dated September 6, 2017.