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Environmental Impact

Due to the nature of its activities, the Holding does not have a direct significant environmental impact. The main resources consumed by the Holding are electric power, heat and water.

The Holding applies the principles and methods for rational use of resources that ensure prevention of adverse environmental impacts in the best possible way.

The Holding seeks to reduce excess resources consumption and minimize the existing adverse environmental impact within its activities through the introduction of energy-efficient technologies, reduction of water consumption, paper consumption for office needs through application of an e-document management system and double-sided printing practices.

‘Green Office’

The Holding has approved the Green Office Concept, which contains the goals, objectives and principles of the Green Office, as well as approaches to greening the office and proposed activities.

Objectives of the formation of the Green Office Concept:

  • reducing the negative impact of the Holding's activities on the environment;

  • environmental education of employees;

  • increasing the level of rational use of resources.

The principles of the Green Office Concept of the Holding are based on the three R rules - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:

  • Reduce. According to this principle, the "green office" should strive to reduce the use of natural resources: electricity, water, paper, heat. This rule is achieved both by using modern technologies and equipment, and by organizational and campaigning measures.

  • Reuse. This principle focuses on the use of consumables, including paper, stationery and office equipment, made from recycled materials.

  • Recycle. The main thing in this principle is to properly dispose of used raw materials: to sort all waste, hand over waste paper, and properly dispose of office equipment and batteries.

Since 2019, the Holding has been actively participating in the republican competition "Green Office" held by the ALE "Coalition for a "Green Economy" and the Development of G-Global" with the support of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the OSCE Program Office in Nur-Sultan with the aim of promoting advanced green technologies for the transition to an ecological and low-carbon lifestyle.

The Holding continuously implements activities within the framework of the "green" Office Concept, including:

  • conducting training on the topic "Green Office" for employees of the Holding;

  • organization of subbotniks;

  • implementation of newsletters to increase the environmental awareness of employees – "A day without paper", "A day without a car", "Energy Saving Day" and more.

Agitation signs on resource conservation are placed on the floors of the Holding. Separate waste collection containers are also installed.

The Business Center of the Baiterek Holding Group was built with due regard to the technologies involving a careful attitude to resources. Systems of operating, emergency and repair illumination have been provided. Usage of fluorescent light sources is ubiquitous. Stained-glass facade glazing, which was designed in compliance with proper insolation principles, provides benefits in the form of electric energy savings. Also, energy-saving motion sensors have been installed in places of temporary stay. 

Resource consumption data

      2021 year       2022 year       2023 year   
Energy intensity, kWh per capita*
(the ratio of electricity consumption
to the number of personnel)
Heat capacity, gcal per capita*
(the ratio of thermal energy consumption
to the number of personnel)
Fresh water use, m3 per capita*
(the ratio of water consumption
to the number of personnel)
Paper use, kg per capita
(the ratio of paper used to the number
of personnel)

*Data on facilities utilized by Baiterek Holding’s headquarters

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