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Baiterek Holding’s Public Council has elected the Chairperson and the Secretary and approved the Regulation on the Public Council at its first meeting.

On October 18, 2021, Baiterek Holding hosted an online meeting of the Public Council.

The agenda consisted of three items:

1. To elect the Chairperson of the Public Council;

2. To elect the Secretary of the Public Council;

3. To approve the Regulation on the Public Council.

Regarding the first item of the agenda, the Public Council decided:

To elect Elena Tarasenko as the Chairperson of the Public Council of Baiterek National Managing Holding.

Regarding the second item of the agenda, the Public Council decided:

To elect Laura Khamitova (who holds the position of the Chief Manager of the Asset Management Department) as the secretary of the Public Council of Baiterek National Managing Holding.

Regarding the third item of the agenda, the Public Council decided:

To approve the Regulation on the Holding’s Public Council.

Follow the link to download the Regulation >>>

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