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The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the Sole Shareholder of Baiterek National Managing Holding JSC.

The Holding’s Board of Directors consists of the government officials, the Chairman of the Board, independent directors, and other individuals.

The Management Board includes the Chairman of the Management Board, his deputies, and other individuals.

Corporate Structure
of Baiterek National Management Holding JSC
As of May 6, 2024, the Holding has 127 employees.

Corporate secretary service
Anti-corruption compliance service
Press service
The Board of Directors
Internal audit service
Chairman of the Board
The First Deputy Chairman of the Board
Centralized Procurement Control Service
Deputy Chairman of the Board
Deputy Chairman of the Board
Deputy Chairman of the Board
Deputy Chairman of the Board
Deputy Chairman of the Board
Managing Director
Managing Director
Chief of Staff
Department of Economics and Budget Planning
Corporate Finance Department
Accounting and Reporting Department
Project Department
Department of International Cooperation
Asset Management Department
Strategy and Corporate Development Department
Department of Legal Support
Department for Monitoring and Management of Agricultural Assets
Human Resources Management Department
Information Security Service
Department of Information Technology
State Secrets Protection Service
Department of Operating Activities
Document Support Service
Risk Management Department

of the holding

Baiterek Holding includes the following subsidiaries:

The Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSCExport credit agency of Kazakhstan JSC, and  "Qazaqstan Investment Corporation" JSC support large enterprises by providing debt and equity financing, export operations insurance services, and leasing financing. The companies also focus on funding non-commodity exporters.

Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund JSC supports micro-, small, and medium-sized businesses by subsidizing the remuneration rate, guaranteeing loans, and providing concessional financing through second-tier banks.

"Otbasy Bank" Housing Construction Savings Bank JSC and Kazakhstan Housing Company JSC make housing more affordable for people by developing financing, mortgage crediting, subsidies, and rental housing market.

The Agrarian Credit Corporation JSC promotes sustainable development, provides the agro-industrial complex with up-to-date equipment, and finances large, medium-sized and small businesses in rural areas.

"Qazaqstan Investment Corporation" JSC
“Housing Construction Savings Bank of Kazakhstan” JSC
Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC
 "Аgrarian credit Corporation" JSC
 “Damu” Entrepreneurship Development Fund” JSC
“Kazakhstan Housing Company” JSC
«Export credit agency of Kazakhstan» JSC
the “Development Bank of Kazakhstan” JSC
of events


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