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Mission of Baiterek NMH JSC:

Тo develop a competitive business, provide housing and strengthen food security on the principles of responsibility to society.

Vision of Baiterek NMH JSC:
А proactive management holding company that is qualitatively transforming the structure of the economy of Kazakhstan through the development of new industry “growth points”.

Key objectives:

  • Development of non-resource sectors of the economy;
  • Development of entrepreneurship;
  • Development of manufacturing industry;
  • Support for the export of non-resource products;
  • Increasing labour productivity;
  • Development of a competitive agro-industrial complex;
  • Increasing the investment attractiveness of the economy;
  • Improving the  well-being of the population.
  The first six tasks are addressed by carrying out the core activities of Baiterek NMH JSC under the strategic direction "Support for Entrepreneurship", covering support for micro, small, medium and large businesses, industrial development and regional development.
The seventh task to improve the investment attractiveness of the economy is addressed within the framework of the strategic direction of development of the equity financing ecosystem not only in Kazakhstan, but also in the macro-region.
The eighth task to improve the well-being of the population is being solved within the framework of the strategic direction of the activities of Baiterek NMH JSC “Providing housing for the population.”


Strategic directions of the activities:

  • Support for entrepreneurship
  • Development of equity financing ecosystem
  • Providing the population with housing

Key strategic performance indicators for the activities of “Baiterek” NMH” JSC:

Key performance indicator



Calculation methodology

Target value for 20331

Data source








Strategic direction 1. Support for entrepreneurship


Revenue volume of enterprises

billion tenge

To implement the tasks of “Strategy - 2050”, the National Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan for a five-year period, the Concept for the development of the manufacturing industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023 - 2029 and the Concept for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030 to increase the share of small and medium-sized enterprises in GDP and labor productivity in


The sum of the revenue volumes of enterprises



Reports         on                                          the implementation                     of                     the

that received

that received support

development                        plan                        of

support from

from Baiterek NMH JSC,

DBK, Damu, ACC for the

Baiterek NMH

taking into account the

reporting year

JSC (per year)

exclusion of duplicate

revenue volumes of

enterprises that received

support from several

subsidiaries of Baiterek


ACC**, Damu***

Key performance indicator



Calculation methodology


value for 20331

Data source








* for DBK, the volume of enterprise revenue is calculated based on actual and estimated data on enterprise revenue from sales of products, including for export:

-   for investment projects (leasing operations) based on the results of the reporting period following the planned date of official commissioning of project facilities (including completion of modernization), taking into account export revenue for them from tolling (services) services: processing of third-party raw materials, training, health and tourism services, services for the provision of construction and installation works by domestic companies outside the country and others.

-   for export and pre-export operations based on the results of the reporting period, taking into account the financial instruments actually provided or planned to be provided by Baiterek NMH JSC.

1. Formula for determining predicted values

1)   Investment projects (leasing operations) in the investment phase: IV = B according to FEM * DO plan Note: indicator B is taken for the period following the period of commissioning of design capacities;

2)   export/pre-export operations:

EV = V according to FEM * DO plan

General note: in order to calculate forecast values for this efficiency factor in terms of projects planned for financing (projects at the consideration stage), a forecasting model is used based on economic assumptions and value judgments for sectors of the economy, taking into account the future volumes of financing for each sector, according to the time lag of the introduction of the project in operation (for each industry), historical coefficients for revenue per invested tenge of each industry, DO plan for each industry and others.

2. Formula for determining actual values in the operational phase of the project:

1)   investment projects in the operational phase:

IV = (B according to FO + (EF1 * C1 +…+ EFn * Cn)) * DO fact

Note: indicators B, EF and C are taken for the period following the period of commissioning of design capacities;

2)   export/pre-export operations:

EV = B according to FD * DO fact Explanation of symbols is given after the table.

Key performance indicator



Calculation methodology

Target value for 20331

Data source








** for ACC, the volume of enterprise revenue is calculated based on actual and estimated data on enterprise revenue from sales of products, including exports for investment projects, based on the results of the reporting period following the planned date of the official commissioning of design capacities (including the completion of modernization) .

1.   Formula for determining forecast values Investment projects in the investment phase

IV = (FVRP * growth coefficient (13%)) * DFAO) + (FVPP * growth coefficient (4.6%)) * DFAO)

Note: the agricultural sector is fraught with great risks, such as: foreign policy situation (limitation of exports of manufactured products); unfavorable epidemiological situation in the regions of the exporting countries (which negatively affects the planned delivery dates of imported livestock); unfavorable epidemiological situation within the country (involved with livestock deaths, forced slaughter), natural and climatic factors (floods, drought, frost) and others). These risks negatively affect the stage-by- stage approach of projects to their designed capacity.

2.   Formula for determining actual values in the operational phase of the project Investment projects in the operational phase IV = B in the Federal District * actual share of participation in the investment project

Note: indicators B are understood for the period following the period of commissioning of design capacities. Explanation of symbols is given after the table.

*** for Damu, the volume of revenue of enterprises is calculated as the sum of the total revenue of enterprises for the reporting year,

who received their support. Indicating the total revenue of enterprises is fair, because The purpose of Damu support tools is to ensure the availability of lending to second-tier banks.

Key performance




Calculation methodology

Target value for 20331

Data source









Volume of export revenue of enterprises that received support from Baiterek NMH JSC (per year)

billion tenge

To implement the objectives of “Strategy - 2050”, the National Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan for a five-year period in terms of increasing the volume of non-resource exports

The amount of export revenue of enterprises that received export support from Baiterek NMH JSC, taking into account the exclusion of duplicate amounts of export revenue from enterprises that received support from several subsidiaries of Baiterek NMH JSC (DBK*, AKK**,


3 236

Reports on the implementation of the development plan of DBK, ACC and the KazakhExport action plan for the reporting year

Key performance indicator



Calculation methodology

Target value for 20331

Data source








* for DBK, the amount of export revenue is calculated based on the enterprise’s revenue from sales of products for export:

-   for investment projects (leasing operations) based on the results of the reporting year, after the date of official commissioning of project facilities (including completion of modernization), taking into account the export revenue for them from tolling (service) services: processing of third party raw materials, training, recreational and tourism services, services for the provision of construction and installation works by domestic companies outside the country and others.

-    for export and pre-export operations based on the results of the reporting year, taking into account the financial instruments actually provided by Baiterek NMH JSC.

1. Formula for determining predicted values

1)   Investment projects (leasing operations) in the investment phase:

VE = VE according to FEM * BEFORE plan

Note: the RE indicator is taken for the period following the period of commissioning of design capacities

2)   Export/pre-export operations:

EVE = VE according to FEM * BEFORE plan

General note: in order to calculate forecast values for this efficiency factor in terms of projects planned for financing (projects at the consideration stage), a forecasting model is used based on economic assumptions and value judgments for sectors of the economy, taking into account the future volumes of financing for each sector, according to the time lag of the introduction of the

project in operation (for each industry), historical coefficients for revenue per invested tenge of each industry, DO plan for each industry and others.

Key performance indicator



Calculation methodology

Target value for 20331

Data source








2. Formula for determining actual values at the operational phase of the project

1)   Investment projects in the operational phase:

IVE = (VE according to FD + (EF1 * C1 +…+ EFn * Cn)) * DO fact

Note: VE, EF and C indicators are taken for the period following the period of commissioning of design capacities.

2)   Export/pre-export operations:

EVE = VE according to Federal District * DO fact Explanation of symbols is given after the table/

** for ACC, the amount of export revenue is calculated based on the enterprise’s revenue from the sale of products for export under investment projects at the end of the reporting year after the date of official commissioning of the project facilities (including the completion of modernization).

1.   Formula for determining forecast values Investment projects in the investment phase VE = VE according to FEM * planned share of participation in the investment project

Note: the RE indicator is taken for the period following the period of commissioning of design capacities

2.   Formula for determining actual values in the operational phase of the project Investment projects in the operational phase IEE = volume of exports documented by exporters * actual share of participation in the investment project. Explanation of symbols is given after the table.

*** for KazakhExport, the amount of export revenue is calculated separately for two groups of instruments, for each of which a special approach to calculating export revenue is applied:

1) For the first group of instruments, the approach of summing up the total export revenue of supported enterprises for the reporting year is applied: “Loan insurance”, “Project financing insurance”, “Leasing insurance”,

“Insurance of the exporter’s liability for bonds”, “Insurance of the exporter’s liability for foreign exchange transactions”,

“Insurance of guarantees”, “Insurance of the exporter’s liability for the return of advance payments”, “Insurance of the exporter’s liability for financial organizations”, “Insurance of losses of financial organizations”.

Key performance indicator



Calculation methodology

Target value for 20331

Data source








2)    For the second group of instruments, the approach of summing up the export proceeds of supported enterprises is applied within the limits of the amount of accepted insurance obligations under insurance contracts for the reporting year: “Export credit insurance”, “Letter of credit insurance”, “Short-term accounts receivable insurance”, “Factoring insurance”, “ Insurance of exporter losses associated with the performance of work/provision of services”, “Insurance of bank guarantees issued by a foreign bank”, “Insurance of a credit institution when financing a foreign counterparty”.

3)    Note: the list of tools listed in the above two groups may be supplemented as new KazakhExport tools are developed in the corresponding internal regulatory document of KazakhExport.


Share of MSMEs that received financial support to the total number of existing MSMEs in the market


To implement the tasks of “Strategy - 2050”, the National Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan for a five-year period, the Concept for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030 to increase the share of SMEs in GDP

X/Y * 100%, where X – Number of unique MSMEs                      supported through DBK, Damu, ACC, QIC instruments with accumulation from 2024 Y – Number of active MSMEs in the market at the end of the reporting year

*for DBK and QIC, this KPI is not strategic and the numerator (X) of the KPI is decomposed into Form 3 of the DBK and

QIC Development Plan in


Development plan/report on the implementation of the development plan for the reporting year, data from DBK, Damu, ACC, QIC, data from BNS ASPR RK

order to consolidate planned and actual values at the holding level.

For          ACC,               the denominator takes into account only the number of active peasant farms and agricultural

commodity producers.


Volume                       of investments                                  in fixed assets in the                 agro- industrial complex                    (per year)

billion tenge

To implement the tasks of “Strategy - 2050”, the National Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan for a five-year period, the Concept for the development of the manufacturing industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023 - 2029 and the Concept for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021 - 2030 to attract investment in the economy of the

Republic of Kazakhstan

The amount of funding volumes (on a cash basis) for the purpose of purchasing fixed assets by agricultural entities and carrying out

construction                        and installation work through loans and leasing from ACC and DBK, funding of second-tier banks, CT, MFOs, LCs, co- financing of second-tier banks, direct investments of private equity funds, in which JSC NMH Baiterek participates.


Reports         on                      the implementation of the development plan of ACC, QIC and DBK for the reporting year

Key performance indicator



Calculation methodology


value for 20331

Data source








Objective 7. Increasing the investment attractiveness of the economy

Strategic direction 2. Development of an ecosystem of equity financing


Ratio of attracted


To implement the tasks of

X/Y, where X is the actual

At least

Approved                       development

investments in


“Strategy - 2050”, the

volume of investments in


plan, approved report on

the Republic of

National Development Plan

projects of the Republic of

execution    of                   the                   QIC

Kazakhstan per

of the Republic of

Kazakhstan made over the

development plan for the

unit of funds of

Kazakhstan for a five-year

entire     life     of              direct

reporting year, a report from

Baiterek NMH

period, the Concept for the

investment    funds                     with

the QIC unit responsible for


development of the

foreign                      participation

the    execution         and         (or)

manufacturing industry of

(except     for                liquidated

monitoring of this indicator,

the Republic of Kazakhstan

direct   investment            funds

signed by an official of the

for 2023 – 2029 in terms of

with foreign participation),

subsidiary,                    reflecting              the

attracting investments in

including                              foreign

names      of                the                PIF,

fixed capital

investments                       under                    co-

information     on                       actual

investment                       agreements,

investments in projects of

minus QIC investments in

the Republic of Kazakhstan

direct   investment            funds

in    the       reporting       period

with foreign participation;

(absolute values as of the

Y – the actual volume of

reporting date) , shares of

QIC             investments            in

investors                           (including

projects of the Republic of

foreign) and QIC in the PIF

Kazakhstan through direct

data and other parameters

investment    funds                     with

foreign participation (with

the exception of liquidated direct investment funds with foreign participation), made over the entire life period of direct investment funds with foreign



Total Value to


To implement the tasks of

TVPI* = Total Value/ Paid-In Capital

Total Value - the sum of the total returns from the QIC investment portfolio and the current book value of the QIC investment portfolio                       (excluding treasury operations) Paid- In Capital - the total amount of QIC investments made

*the calculation does not take into account the indicators of direct investment funds (PEFs) created before 2020 (with the exception of captive funds), as well as private equity funds in which the

share of participation was transferred to QIC

Not less

Approved                       development

Paid-in Capital


“Strategy   -                  2050”,                 the

than 1.5

plan, approved report on the


National Development Plan

implementation                             of                             the

of      the         Republic         of

Development Plan for the

Kazakhstan for a five-year

reporting year QIC

period, the Concept for the

development                           of                           the

manufacturing industry of

the Republic of Kazakhstan

for 2023 – 2029 in terms of

attracting                  investments        in

fixed capital

Key performance indicator



Calculation methodology

Target value for 20331

Data source








Objective 8. Improving the well-being of the population

Strategic direction 3. Providing the population with housing


Increasing     the


To            implement       the

X/Y * 100%


Report                     on                     the

coverage of the

objectives of “Strategy -

X – The volume of housing

implementation                         of                         the

multi-apartment residential building market by                shared construction mechanisms

2050”, the National Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan for a five-year period, the Concept for the development of housing and                       communal infrastructure for 2023 – 2029 to ensure a sufficient number of affordable square meters of housing

commissioning          through three       legal         ways          of organizing                            shared participation   in        housing construction (guarantee of the       housing          complex (commissioning certificates),      participation in      the   second-tier     bank project           (data             from QazReestr),             attracting

money from shareholders

KHC development plan for the reporting year, data from BNS ASPIR RK, data from local executive bodies, data from Qazreestr

after the construction of the

frame   of   an            apartment

building (permission from

local executive bodies) (

data from QazReestr) and

housing                   commissioned

through the instruments of

the      housing          complex

(repurchase of local government                             bonds, subsidizing loans to developers,

purchase of finished housing, financing of urban investment projects) for the reporting year.

Y     –     Total         housing commissioning     volume (multi-apartment residential        buildings)         in the           Republic              of Kazakhstan         for the reporting year


Increasing share of  loans        for primary housing and           housing under construction


To implement the objectives of Strategy 2050, the National Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan for a five-year period, the Concept for the Development of Housing and                        Communal Infrastructure for 2023 - 2029 to ensure a sufficient number of affordable

square meters of housing

X/Y * 100%, where

X – Amount of loans issued for the purchase of primary and

housing under construction (MHD), including those guaranteed by KHC for the reporting year

Y – Total amount of loans issued for the reporting year


Report           on                     the implementation of the Otbasy Bank development plan for the reporting year


Share of people on the waiting list provided

with             housing (with accumulation from 2024)


To implement the objectives of Strategy 2050, the National Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan for a five-year period, the Concept for the Development of Housing and                        Communal Infrastructure for 2023 - 2029 to ensure a sufficient number of affordable square meters of housing

X/Y * 100%

X – Number of people on the waiting list provided with housing through Otbasy Bank (preferential mortgage) and KHC (rent with purchase) with accumulation from 2024 Y

– Total number of people on the waiting list at the end of the reporting year

*for KHC this efficiency factor is decomposed only in the numerator part in order to consolidate planned and

actual values at the holding level.


Reports          on                      the implementation of the development plan of Otbasy Bank and KHC for the reporting year, data from local executive bodies

Table 6. Key performance indicators of the holding.

1 Target values of indicators are indicative and do not take into account the possible consequences of unforeseen economic crises and deterioration of the geopolitical situation for the economy of Kazakhstan

Symbols for efficiency calculation methodologies No. 3 and No. 4: B – revenue from sales of RE products and services – export revenue

DO plan - the planned average value of the share of financial instruments provided by Baiterek NMH JSC (including provided guarantees, bond issues and others) in the debt obligations of the enterprise (short-term and long-term, assessed at depreciation cost) for the reporting period, according to the enterprise data and/or FEM

DO fact – the actual average value of the share of financial instruments provided by Baiterek NMH JSC (including provided guarantees, bond issues and others) in the enterprise’s debt obligations (short-term and long-term, assessed at depreciation cost) for the reporting period, according to the financial statements DFAO – share of participation of ACC financing in the investment project

FEM – financial and economic model of the project IV – revenue from investment projects

EVE – export revenue from investment projects

Coeff. growth - 4.6% - total cost coefficient in the “Production of food and beverages” industries for 2019 according to the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Coeff. growth - 13% - total cost coefficient in the sectors “Crop and livestock farming, hunting and provision of services in these areas” for 2019 according to the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Stat. data – aggregated statistical data on enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan, officially received from the authorized state and/or quasi-state body in the field of ensuring automated collection, processing, storage and dissemination of statistical information of the Republic of Kazakhstan

FVPP – actual revenue of investment projects in the direction of “Production of food and beverages” of the previous year

FVRZh – actual revenue of investment projects in the direction of “Crop and Livestock Production” of the previous year

FO – financial statements of the enterprise

C – the average value of the export price of goods and/or services for the reporting period is calculated based on actual data presented in official data sources

EV – revenue from export and/or pre-export operations

EVE – export proceeds from export and/or pre-export operations

EF – export products in kind according to the monitoring report of enterprises providing tolling services (visitor services)

Note: explanation of abbreviations used in the text of the Development Plan ACC – joint stock company “Agrarian Credit Corporation”

BNS ASPIR RK – Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan

STB – second tier banks

DBK - joint-stock company "Development Bank of Kazakhstan"

Damu - Joint Stock Company "Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu" Subsidiaries - subsidiaries of the Joint Stock Company "National Management Holding "Baiterek"

KAF – joint stock company “KazAgroFinance”

KHC - joint stock company "Kazakhstan Housing Company" LEB - local executive bodies

MSME – micro small and medium enterprises

MNE RK - Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan SME - small and medium-sized businesses

Otbasy Bank – Joint Stock Company “Housing Construction Savings Bank “Otbasy Bank”

KazakhExport – joint stock company “Export Insurance Company” "KazakhExport"

QIC – joint stock company “Qazaqstan Investment Corporation”

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