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Financial companies open offices in Abay Region

Financial companies open offices in Abay Region

Baiterek Holding's subsidiaries – the Agrarian Credit Corporation JSC, KazAgroFinance JSC, and the Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund – opened their offices in the city of Semey, Abay Region.

Now the region-based entrepreneurs will not have to travel far to submit their applications for financing. New offices will serve clients from Abay, Beskaragai, and Borodulikha districts.

The opening ceremony was attended by Alibek Kuantyrov (Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan), Nurbolat Aidapkelov (Deputy Chairman of the Board of Baiterek Holding), top managers of the Holding's subsidiaries, farmers, and others.

– In seven years, we have financed 15 large investment projects worth more than 20 billion tenge in the regions including the Abay Region. We have funded the processing of agricultural products, the construction of feedlots, dairy farms, and breeding farms. In addition, we have funded 9 credit partnerships, which issued loans to 878 farms. Since the beginning of this year, 3.3 billion tenge has been allocated to implement 186 projects under the Ken Dala, Agrobusiness, and Isker programs in the Abay Region. We will continue to support the region's agricultural manufacturers,– said Almat Ashirbekov, Chairman of the Board of the Agrarian Credit Corporation.

So far, the Agrarian Credit Corporation has 3 offices in Almaty and Astana, and 16 branches in the regions. In total, all offices serve about 80 thousand farmers.

The regional branch of KazAgroFinance will continue financing farmers for the purchase of agricultural machinery on lease. The branch now serves 650 clients. It should be noted that the East Kazakhstan Region's farmers often use the company's services. For 11 months of 2022, 698 units of equipment have been leased there. The new region has great potential, and KAF plans to attract new clients by offering the most favorable terms for agricultural machinery leasing.

The offices of Baiterek Holding's subsidiaries are located at 23A K. Mukhamedkhanov St. (Orleu Business Center), the city of Semey.

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