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Baiterek team is willing to cooperate with ambitious personalities striving to achieve tasks that are strategically important for the Holding jointly with the participants of the whole team
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NMH Baiterek JSC announces a competition for vacant positions of independent directors of Kazakhstan Housing Company JSC:
Name of vacancies: Independent director
Company name: Board of Directors of of Kazakhstan Housing Company JSC (hereinafter referred to as the Company)
1. General requirements for independent directors
1. A candidate for election as an independent director to the board of directors must:
1.1. Meet the definition of an independent director in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Joint Stock Companies".
1.2. Have general information about key issues specific to an organization similar in scope and nature of the Company's activities, have international experience in a similar industry/sector and professional experience of at least 2 years prior to the nomination, and also demonstrate an understanding of:
1) legal requirements in relation to the Company;
2) competitive environment in the national and international markets.
1.3. Be able to analyze and objectively evaluate the information provided and develop an independent position on the issue based on the principles of legality, fairness and equal treatment of all shareholders. To have the ability to express one's own opinion and defend one's point of view with reason.
1.4. Know the principles of corporate governance and sustainable development.
1.5. Have an impeccable reputation / positive achievement in the business and (or) industry environment. The biography of the candidate should not contain facts of committing a crime in the field of economic activity, as well as administrative offenses in entrepreneurial activity.
1.6. Have enough time to participate in the work of the Board of Directors not only during the meetings of the Board of Directors, but also to properly study the materials for the meetings of the Board of Directors.
1.7. Not being a member of more than 3 (three) boards of directors of other companies.
1.8. Annually carry out the procedure for confirmation of independence and inform the company in case of loss of the status of an independent director.
2. Special requirements:
2.1. Special requirements for candidates for the position of independent directors - specialists in the field of finance, audit and control.
2.1.1. Higher education in economics and (or) finance, additional education / professional certification in financial management / financial analysis / accounting / taxation / audit / risk management.
2.1.2. Work experience in the specialty for at least 7 years.
2.2.3. Executive work experience of at least 3 years in governing bodies or executive bodies of financial organizations / holding structures / government bodies / international financial organizations / in the field of regulation of financial services and (or) work experience in governing bodies / executive bodies / as a leader / partner.
2.2. Special requirements for candidates for the position of independent directors - specialists in the field of remuneration / social issues / corporate culture.
2.2.1. Higher education and (or) the degree of "Master of Business Administration" / "Doctor of Philosophy" and (or) additional education in the management field. Possess knowledge of human resource management / social development theory.
2.2.2. At least 3 (three) years of work experience in management bodies or executive bodies in holding structures/national companies and (or) experience in management bodies/executive bodies and (or) as a manager/partner in companies specializing in business or HR consulting, and (or) experience as an HR director / manager supervising the structural unit for HR / legal due diligence / corporate conflict resolution in Kazakhstani and international companies with an annual turnover of at least 20 million US dollars.
2.2.3. Have at least 5 years of experience in management positions / in the field of working with top and middle management personnel.
2.3. Special requirements for candidates for the position of independent directors - specialists in the field of startegic management.
2.3.1 Higher education in economics or finance and (or) higher technical education, additional education / professional certification in strategic management, financial management / audit / risk management.
2.3.2. Work experience in the specialty for at least 5 years.
2.3.3. Work experience of at least 5 years in governing bodies or executive bodies of financial organizations / holding structures / government bodies / international financial organizations / in the field of regulation of financial services and (or) work experience in governing bodies / executive bodies / as a leader / partner in organizations for provision of strategic management services.
2.4. Special requirements for candidates for the position of independent directors - specialists in the field of risk management.
2.4.1. Higher education in economics and/or finance, additional education/professional certification in risk management/financial analysis/accounting/taxation/audit.
2.4.2. At least 3 years of work experience in management bodies or executive bodies in holding structures/national companies and (or) experience in management bodies/executive bodies and (or) as a manager/partner in companies specializing in risk management or consulting, and (or) experience as a director/manager in charge of a risk management structural unit.
Requirements for the availability of certificates:
The presence of professional international certificates in the field of finance / audit / strategic management is encouraged.
Working conditions:
Form of employment: contract
Candidates wishing to take part in the competition for the position of an independent director send the following documents to email: :
2) a copy of the identity document of the candidate;
3) information about the candidate according to the attached form.
While selecting candidates for the Board of Directors, the following shall be considered:
1) work experience in managerial positions;
2) work experience as a member of the board of directors;
3) work experience;
4) education, specialty, including the availability of international certificates;
5) availability of competencies / managerial experience of at least 2 years in areas and industries (industries may vary depending on the asset portfolio);
6) business reputation;
7) the existence of a direct or potential conflict of interest;
8) availability of professional certification of the director "Certified director" (for independent directors).
A person cannot be elected to the Board of Directors:
1) who is a participant, head of the executive body, member of the management body or employee of a legal entity competing with the Company;
2) previously committed a corruption crime;
3) having an outstanding or unexpunged conviction in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4) who was previously the chairman of the board of directors, the first head of the executive body, the deputy first head, the chief accountant of another legal entity, for a period not more than one year before the adoption of a decision on the forced liquidation or forced buyout of shares or conservation of another legal entity declared bankrupt, according to established order. The specified requirement shall apply within five years after the date of the decision on forced liquidation or forced buyout of shares or conservation of another legal entity declared bankrupt in accordance with the established procedure;
5) being a member of the board of directors of four or more companies;
6) found guilty by the court of committing crimes against property, in the field of economic activity or against the interests of service in commercial or other organizations, as well as exempted from criminal liability on the basis of paragraphs 3), 4), 9), 10) and 12) of part one article 35 or article 36 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the commission of these crimes, until the expiration of 5 (five) years from the date of repayment or removal in the manner prescribed by law, a criminal record or exemption from criminal liability.
Deadline for submission of documents:
Within 15 calendar days from the date of publication of the announcement.