Corporate Governance Reporting

In this section, texts are posted in the language in which they were originally written/published/approved. The attachment may contain a file in Kazakh or Russian.

  • Report on compliance with the principles and provisions of the Corporate Governance Code for 2023

  • Report on the assement of the corporate governance of the Holding

  • The results of the assessment of the I&C of JSC NMH Baiterek (from the IAS report for the 4th quarter of 2021)

  • Report on compliance/non-compliance with the principles and regulations of the Corporate Governance Code of Baiterek National Managing Holding Joint-Stock Company for 2021

  • Report on compliance/non-compliance with the principles and regulations of the Corporate Governance Code of Baiterek National Managing Holding Joint-Stock Company for 2020

  • Results of the assessment of the Corporate Governanace System in IAS Report for Quarter IV, 2017

  • Report on the results of the assessment of corporate governance of Baiterek NMH JSC for 2019-2020

  • Report on the implementation of the action plan to improve the corporate governance of the Holding for 2019-2020 as of December 31, 2020

  • Report on the implementation of the ACTION PLAN for improving the corporate governance of Baiterek NC JSC for 2018-2019 (based on the Corporate Governance Code)

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